Lawler At Mania; 2.21.11; Escape From The Impact Zone


Jerry “The King” Lawler is headed to WrestleMania.

It’s about time.

WWE fans generally don’t know about anything that happens outside the promotion. They’re mostly shielded thereof, though the Hall of Fame’s recognition of non-WWE performers has given them quick peeks.

But Lawler was a BIG STAR. A regional legend that carried Memphis for YEARS. Did the Andy Kaufman angle on Letterman. A complete performer. One of the great promos. Always competent, sometimes brilliant.

Not enough people know that.

This run by Lawler gives prisoners of the WWE bubble a chance to find out. Fans like me get a chance to remember.

Lawler is doing his opportunity justice. He comes across as a guy who used to be great trying to remember how to be great, and coming just close enough to make us believe. He’s not convinced, but he’s hopeful, and his hatred for Michael Cole’s arrogance, disrespect and malfeasance fuels him. It’s like the final Rocky movie, only better.

That’s not how WWE booked it. Their creative team isn’t that bright. Lawler just knows what to do. Always has.

I loved Lawler in Monday’s tag match. WWE fans don’t quite know to pop when he pulls down the strap. But WrestleMania is almost two months away. They’ll learn. Love the fist drop. Love the great worked punches.

I don’t buy wrestling pay-per-views anymore. Not WWE, not TNA. The products just aren’t good enough.

But if "The King" is in ‘Mania, I’m buying. Jerry Lawler, still a draw. I can pay no higher compliment.


Booker T and Kevin Nash ruined TNA’s “they” angle by bolting to the Royal Rumble. That forced the hastiest of swerves at Impact as half the heels turned on the rest of the heels over concern for the company’s welfare. To quote Reg Dunlop, “What do you care? You get your check, right?”

Uh, not always.

Ric Flair wasn’t asking TNA to advance him money when he had his blowup in Dublin. He wanted money he was owed. It seems TNA is in arrears to Flair, as well as several other performers.

But let’s return to fantasyland: A.J. Styles and his heels think Eric Bischoff and his heels are ruining the company. What criteria can Styles apply from a wrestling fan’s standpoint that could draw money? None. Marks don’t care about the company’s welfare, or who owns what, or who got swindled. They care about grudges and belts, just like always.

So Styles is right. Bischoff and his heels ARE ruining TNA. It’s a shoot.

Geez, I didn’t even recognize half the people in that angle. I do know most of them look silly. When did Jeff Hardy join the New York Dolls? Matt Hardy looks RIDICULOUS. I ask again: WHAT HAPPENED TO THOSE TWO? Their ABSURDITY is compounded by their ARROGANCE.

TNA fans need to ask why Booker and Nash would bolt. It’s not for more money. It’s not for a spot at the top of the card. It’s not for a cake schedule. None of those things are being provided to Booker or Nash by WWE.

Booker and Nash JUST GOT TIRED OF SUCKING. They spent years in the BIG TIME. At TNA, they worked in front of minuscule crowds on the road and a bunch of half-wit smart marks at the Impact Zone. DEPRESSING. You’re hanging on in the minor leagues. Same with Flair.

Booker and Nash concluded that it was better to have a small piece of filet mignon than a big bite of a stink sandwich.

Do you blame ‘em?

Mark Madden’s Thoughts On 2.21.11 & More>>>


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