Sting Was Taller Than I Recall, No Lawler/Cole, Kong Debut

You can see Justin LaBar on the Chair Shot Reality only on Wrestlezone

Perhaps that was Sting doing the crotch chop and I just didn’t recognize him without his face paint.

Hey, who didn’t WANT to see Sting?! But once I found out from sources and wrote on 2-11-11 that it was going to be HHH vs The Undertaker and we began getting reports that there indeed has been no contact between Sting and the WWE, I saved myself the disappointment and faced the reality.

The Undertaker/Triple H segment on RAW was fantastic. The entrance of Triple H was perfectly timed. The deadman takes his hat off, the crowd popped and cue “Time to play the game.” Not too soon to where it takes away from the much anticipated 2-21 return but not too long that I’ve already lost interest in another Undertaker return.

Some are upset that no words were spoken by the two but I think it was wonderful. For those who might think there isn’t enough time to build to WrestleMania for this feud, go back and listen to the crowd when both men looked at the WrestleMania 27 marquee. Go back and listen to win the each men gave their signature gestures to each other.

Just think, they haven’t even mentioned that its gonna be redemption for HBK and it will be a career vs streak match. We on the internet have already put those pieces together, but the large majority of the WWE universe has not yet popped for the fact that this is will be an historic feud that is going to take place.

Is It Really Good To Be The King?

So Jerry “The King” Lawler against Michael Cole on the biggest stage of the year! Not buying it! Finally King gets his WrestleMania match but it will be against a guy who has never worked a match in his life, not buying it! King won’t and shouldn’t allow that.

WrestleMania should and has to be Jerry Lawler against Alex Riley with a special stipulation. If Lawler wins than he gets 5 minutes alone with Michael Cole in the ring. Jerry Lawler gets a match with an actual wrestler, Riley gets a good rub from for his career and there is payoff with the whole Cole being a heel once he takes a few bumps from Lawler.

I will say I am a bit surprised that the comment about the Jerry Lawler’s deceased mother was used in the promo this past week. There is so much heat on Cole already and interest in Lawler having a physical confrontation with him, I don’t see the need to bring a piece of real life tragedy into it.

Kong Isn’t Stratusfying!

So Trish Stratus made a return. A brunette now, but still looking great! It would appear we will see her have a role at WrestleMania, most likely a tag match with Kelly Kelly against Laycool. No problem anywhere with this. It will be one of the rare times that a divas match will actually have some drawing power. The drawing power will be minor compared to the other attractions but will be an attraction to see Stratus in a match. Its more we can say about the 10 Divas tag match at last years WrestleMania.

Speaking of an attraction when it comes to females in a wrestling ring, I am sold that we will not see Awesome Kong until after WrestleMania. The RAW on the night after at the Philips arena would be ideal. Its very common for debuts or returns to take place on the night after WrestleMania. The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, Trish Stratus, Booker T, and Christian all having returned in the past few weeks, an Awesome Kong debut will be minute and repetitive at this point in time.

Good Luck!

Reverting back to Tough Enough, congratulations and good luck to independent wrestler, Matt Cross.
I thought I couldn’t say anything, but Sean Morley, wikipedia and several other sites have gone ahead and talked about it. Cross was a performer in many promotions all over. One of those being Pro Wrestling Ohio (PWO) and have met and seen him at their shows. Hard working talented guy. Matt has worked with a lot of other great talent that have, currently are or will be in the WWE. Wish him all the best.

JustinLaBar on Twitter

Will talk in depth about all of these topics and more on this weeks Chair Shot Reality which is only on Wrestlezone!



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