The following editorial was written by Tyler Treese and does not reflect the views of WrestleZone as a whole. Feel free to chime in on Becky Lynch’s character change in the comments below.
Last night’s episode of SmackDown Live made one thing extremely clear: Becky Lynch should be the star that WWE builds their entire women’s division around. Unlike Ronda Rousey or Charlotte Flair, she never feels as if she is playing a character. No, Lynch truly believes that she is “the man,” and she’s confident enough to showcase it every single night.
Lynch commands the viewer’s attention. There’s no flipping the channel when she walks out to cut a promo. You listen to every word that the man says because she has a natural aura that makes everyone focus on her. It’s an electricity that I haven’t seen on WWE television in quite some time. With the upcoming Becky Lynch vs Ronda Rousey match at Survivor Series, the company has the chance to not just bolster one of their female champions but to cement Lynch as a true star.
Rousey Isn’t Untouchable

In real fighting, Rousey’s weakness has always been her striking. She’s always been primarily a grappler, and kickboxing never seemed to come natural to her. So, by flipping her known deficit on its head and having Lynch beat her at where she’s strongest, would instantly make her into a big deal. Just imagining the visual image of Lynch tapping out Rousey with the Disarmer is an exciting one, and it has the potential to be one of those iconic wrestling moments that are remembered for years to come.
It’s been proven that Ronda Rousey can take losses. Despite being viciously knocked out in her final two mixed martial arts fights in embarrassing fashion, she’s still seen as a badass by a large percentage of the WWE audience. Her combat sports heyday is behind her, but that’s fine. Professional wrestling is scripted, and they have shown that they can build her up properly. Having her lose to Lynch wouldn’t just make a star in Lynch, but it’d help build to a money rematch down the line.
Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch Can Make A Star

An ideal scenario would see Lynch’s win over Rousey bring out the best in each woman. Lynch’s cockiness would be seen as well deserved, while Rousey would be angry that she got bested at what she does best. This loss could force Rousey to look in the mirror and decide to take herself to a next level as well, as nothing fuels an athlete quite like the anguish of defeat.
Survivor Series 2018 could be used as a building block to an incredible Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch match down the line at WrestleMania. Let Ronda bring out her own mean streak due to the loss and have her show a desire to defeat the one woman hat managed to top her. That’s a money storyline and one I would love to see, and I know I’m not alone in that.