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WWE Stomping Grounds 2019: 5 Superstars Who Shined The Brightest

Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

#5.) Drew Gulak

It’s been a long time coming for Drew Gulak. Tony Nese defended the WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Akira Tozawa and Drew Gulak. While there were a few hiccups during the match, the outcome left little to be desired, as Drew Gulak finally earned his first championship in WWE.

Gulak has been absolute gold for a long time now and a long-standing part of 205 Live – a superstar who was never given enough credit for making it a great brand. However, it seems as though Gulak’s potential has finally been realized, as he ended up winning the Cruiserweight championship.

Next Page: WWE Stomping Grounds 2019: 5 Superstars Who Shined


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