little mean kathleen sidney bakabella
Photo Credit: Jon Washer Photography/ Beyond

Little Mean Kathleen Reflects On Her Silly, Fun, Awkward Americanrana Wedding With Sidney Bakabella

Tis the season of love, or in Little Mean Kathleen‘s case, divorce.

WrestleZone’s Ella Jay recently caught up with LMK to discuss her relationship with in-ring veteran Sidney Bakabella, whom she (totally legally) married at Beyond Wrestling’s 2023 Americanrana event. LMK informed WZ that she and Bakabella have since divorced, as she “wanted to go [her] own way.” Nevertheless, LMK still holds fond memories of their wedding, which took a number of twists and turns.

“It was super exciting, the big shabang,” Little Mean Kathleen said. “A lot of people involved, a lot of moving parts, a lot of silly, fun time and a big old awkward kiss at the end. Have you seen the picture? It’s very awkward. We were so far apart, I don’t know how we did that.”

Initially, LMK was set to tie the knot with Love Doug. After the two exchanged vows, however, chaos ensued. Amongst the slew of wrestlers making unexpected appearances before the altar, Channing Thomas delivered a tombstone to LMK’s father. Meanwhile, LMK turned on Love Doug and instead opted to marry Sidney Bakabella.

When discussing the process of coordinating this winding wedding, Little Mean Kathleen noted that it came as a collaborative effort between her and Doug.

“I don’t know if we had a tag team match first or if we had a singles match first, but he proposed in the match,” LMK said. We were kind of like ‘Oh, we could run with this, we could have a whole wedding. Oh my God, we could do it at Americanrana. We could do it at here, we could do it there.’ We kind of just kept pushing for it, pushing for it. We had a couple more matches and then it was kind of like ‘Alright, you guys can have the wedding.'”

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