megan bayne
Photo by Etsuo Hara/Getty Images

Rebecca Scott On Megan Bayne’s Stardom Run: This Is The Example Of Dreams Coming True

Rebecca Scott is incredibly proud of Megan Bayne.

The friendship between Rebecca Scott and Megan Bayne extends well beyond professional wrestling. In addition to training under the same wrestling coach, that being Damian Adams, Scott and Bayne have also bonded over their training at the David Branch Jiu Jitsu Academy as well. In a recent interview with WrestleZone’s Ella Jay, Scott opened up about their friendship, particularly focusing on their long-time aspirations to perform in Japan.

In July 2023, Bayne received the opportunity to do just that as she embarked on a six-month tour with STARDOM. During her half-year run, Bayne aligned herself with current World Of STARDOM Champion Maika. Together, the two were known as the Divine Kingdom. Outside of her tag team ventures, Bayne also earned the right to challenge Giulia for the NJPW STRONG Women’s Championship at STARDOM Dream Queendom. STARDOM’s Year-End Awards later revealed this match as the best match of 2023.

“Years before, when me and Megan were really heavy in the gym, when we were training all the time and she was starting her momentum, I was just starting in pro wrestling, we would sit on my couch. She might murder me for saying, but we would sit on my couch watching these STARDOM matches, taking notes, thinking how insane it would be to be there,” Scott recalled.

“Specifically, we would watch Giulia matches. So when she got to wrestle Giulia and they did what they did — insanity. We have had so many conversations about this. We can’t believe it. This is the example of dreams come true. We would sit on my couch being like ‘Look how cool these girls are. One day, we’re gonna be over there. We’re gonna be doing this,’ Then she went over and did it.”

First-Hand Support From Rebecca Scott

Given that her close friend was living out one of their long-time dreams, it only made sense for Scott to fly down there to witness it herself. As such, Scott headed over to Japan in October 2023 to see some first-hand STARDOM action (and make a trip to the Tokyo Disney Resort).

“I watched one of [Megan’s] matches, while I was there. I wish I would have been able to be there for the Guilia match, but it was just so surreal. I couldn’t be more proud of her,” Scott said. “She is going to take this stuff as far as she wants to. She’s going to do anything and everything she wants to do in the wrestling world. I have all of the faith in her. It was really cool to see.”

While Scott has yet to birth a Japan-stint herself, it hasn’t stopped her from manifesting a match with a certain former Artist Of Stardom Champion.

“Suzu Suzuki is the number one [talent I’d like to wrestle in Japan],” Scott said. I take a lot of inspiration from her, so to be able to wrestle her would be insanity. But I have so much respect for all of the women in Japan and how they wrestle, that honestly, I just want to be there. I want to wrestle everybody.”

Watch our full interview with Rebecca Scott:

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