Photo Credit: Dale Brodie

Nightshade: The Uprising Will Infiltrate Any Wrestling Promotion We Possibly Can

The Uprising is destined to take over, according to Nightshade.

While she continues carving her own path as “The Deadly One,” Nightshade has also landed herself a spot in one of the UK’s most dominant factions — The Uprising. Since its upstart in 2019, The Uprising has gained four members: Nightshade, Rhia O’Reilly, Livvii Grace, and Skye Smitson. With a motivation to wreak chaos and conquer the wrestling scene, The Uprising has certainly lived up to its name.

Speaking with WrestleZone’s own Ella Jay, Nightshade dove a little deeper into the connotations surrounding their group name, explaining what exactly “The Uprising” means to them.

“To me, it definitely is about taking over. It’s about taking over tag team divisions, and not even all women’s divisions. For me, The Uprising is just about infiltrating any company you possibly can, any promotion we possibly can, and take on literally anything. We will take on any opponent anywhere, any time. And I think that The Uprising is just literally rising up and up and up. So, it’s the perfect name for us, although it is — we are a very chaotic stable.”

Though they may each have “very different personalities,” Nightshade admits that she has naturally adopted some of her partners’ mannerisms. “I feel like with Rhia, she makes me more so loud. She’s such a loudmouth. She makes me come out of my shell and be a bit more gobby. And with Sky, I find it so difficult not to laugh because she’s there doing her air guitar, like having an absolute blast. Just literally living her best life, and she just cracks me up. I think she brings the fun side out of Nightshade a little bit more because Nightshade can be very serious, very aggressive. She kind of brings out a bit more of a fun, softer side,” Nightshade said.

With the combination of herself and Livvii Grace, Nightshade believes they have cultivated a prime recipe for “pure domination.”

“We’re both very angry people,” she joked.

As a unit, The Uprising continues to strengthen its resume. So far, they have two reigns as Pro-Wrestling EVE Tag Team Champions under their belt.

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