Matt Hardy’s broken transformation has been ongoing for quite some time now, and if this Twitter video is anything to go by, then it seems as if we may be on the verge of seeing the character officially debut on WWE television. Hardy has been using the word ‘woken’ during these recent snippets, which could be a sign that he’s not allowed to use the official broken term due to his legal issues with Impact Wrestling.
RELATED: Vanguard 1 Is ‘Woken’
I have #BROKEN down the MORTAL BOUNDARIES of the brain. I SEE ALL.
My mind has fully #WOKEN. I AM MORE.
I shall DELETE the wicked & CONSUME whatever emotions are EMITTED. I AM MAGIC.
— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) December 3, 2017
Mattel Epic Moments Hardy Boyz Figures
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