Before the bell rings Styles jumps on Owens. Shane pulls Styles off of Owens. The bell rings and Owens and Styles tear into each other. Owens and Styles end up on the outside. Styles hit a sliding knee off the apron. Owens stomps on Styles as he gets into the ring. Styles surprised Owens with a dropkick. Back breaker by Styles. Styles leap frogs over Owens but Owens manages to destroy Styles with a clothesline. Corner clothesline by Owens. Owens immediately follows that up with a cannon ball in the corner. Running Senton by Owens for a near fall. Owens argues with Shane after a near fall. Owens chops Styles around the ring. Styles fires up and a pier six brawl breaks out. Styles picks up Owens in a fireman’s carry. Owens counters. Styles picks up Owens and hits a wheelbarrow face buster. Styles tries a backflip DDT but Owens moves out of the way. Owens superkicks Styles. Styles goes up top. Owens pushes Shane into the ropes. Styles gets crotched on the top rope. Owens tries a superplex but Styles reverses it into a sunset flip power bomb.
Shane is checking on Owens. Styles goes for a springboard 450. Owens pulls Shane in the way. Styles lands on Owens and Shane. Styles checks on Shane. Owens hits the pop-up power bomb. Owens makes the cover. Shane takes a long time to count the fall. Styles kicks out. Owens gets in Shane’s face. Owens yells that Shane should be fine since he falls off buildings. Styles traps Owens in the calf slicer. Owens rakes Styles’ eyes. Owens pushes Styles into Shane. Shane falls out of the ring. Styles locks in the calf slicer. Owens taps but there is no referee. Styles gets in Shane’s face. Owens rolls up Styles for a near fall. Owens tries another cannonball but Styles levels him with a forearm. Styles suplexes Owens into the corner. Styles tries a top rope Frankensteiner. Owens holds Styles and fisherman busters him off the top! Styles kicks out! Styles misses the Pelé kick. Superkick by Owens. Styles lands the Styles Clash. Owens somehow kicks out! Styles misses the Phoenominal Forearm. Owens hits the Pop-Up Powerbomb. Style gets his foot on the rope as Shane counts the three. Shane waves off the pin. Owens is livid. Owens pushes Shane. Shane pushes Owens into a roll up by Styles. Owens kicks out. Pelé kick by Styles. Phoenominal Forearm by Styles. Styles picks up Owens and Styles Clashes him for the win.
Winner and STILL United States Champion, AJ Styles!