the fight network

Smash Wrestling Star Talks New Smash Wrestling Weekly Program on Fight Network, His Wrestling Aspirations and More

Smash Wrestling star, Sebastian Suave recently took some time out of his busy schedule to participate in an interview with Marc Madison of The Wrestling News Hub MagazineIn the interview, Suave opens up about how he became a wrestler and who was integral in his development. He discusses his future, his passion for the sport and Smash Wrestling’s latest endeavor on the Fight Network. Check out excerpts of the interview below and the interview in its entirety here.

On how his early passion for wrestling began:

..At some point in life, whether it was just right time, right place, or luck, or just having the balls to sign up for a wrestling school, I just had the chance to do it. I remember hearing about an indy show in Toronto. Like any fan, first you hear about the WWE, then WCW, and then ECW or Ring of Honor. So, I heard about this indy show in Toronto and I checked them out. I was told I’d never become a wrestler, and that I was too small. Well, here is my chance, am I going to take it or leave it? As soon as I turned 19 or 20, I was all in and I was ready to go.

Regarding his aspirations for the future:

For myself, I am getting back to being busier than ever in the Ontario scene, and fortunately had some opportunities to work outside the area. My heart and soul have been with Smash, but not because I don’t want to be in other places. I can confidently say that it is hard to find someone, at least in my area that puts more hours in, week to week, then me. I have a two-year-old, and I work 70 hours a week, but I’ll still find time to be a good dad. I love this company, and the work is fun for me, the work is challenging for me, even stressful. However, even when it’s hard I still do work at the gym, and at the show….

On Smash Wrestling’s weekly program on Fight Network:

….About two years ago, I was in contact with The Fight Network and fortunately had a rapport with some people that worked there. I was always curious, how come my wrestling school or brand was short-lived? How come they didn’t stay on? What does it take for me to get a wrestling program on there? It really came down to production, which is why you don’t see a lot of independents on there, and no knock on Fight Network, but pro wrestling wasn’t in the forefront of their priorities. Not to say that it wasn’t a priority, but compared to how it is being presented now, it is night and day, it’s incredible…..