(Photo credit: THOMAS SAMSON/AFP/Getty Images)

Police Report Released From Alberto El Patron and Paige Domestic Incident, El Patron Listed as the Victim, Attorney Comments

As seen in the Tweet below, Keith McMahon, the attorney for Alberto El Patron in his recent domestic incident with fiancee Paige, released the police case report for the incident, and it lists Alberto as the victim and the weapon as being “Hands/Fist/Feet.”

“This last month was marked false reports by ‘untrained reporters’ not doing their due diligence. Now the official report stating what actually happened”, McMahon wrote.

“I would like to thank everyone that supported my clients never read into false reports posted on the internet by reporters trying to earn a buck by defaming and hurting my clients and their families, including Alberto’s 3 innocent children. As you can see there was no alcohol or drugs and no arrests. NO physical harm to one another, just an argument between a couple that others exploited. Thank you to everyone who believed in them. God bless you all.”

Read Also: The Latest on Paige Potentially Being Charged with Battery, More on the False Arrest Warrant Story

As of this writing, Alberto El Patron remains suspended indefinitely from GFW, and it will be up to the Florida State Attorney’s office as to whether or not the injured WWE star will be charged with battery: