Figure Friday: WWE Basic 68A Diamond Dallas Page (Photos)

Hey guys and welcome to another Figure Friday! This week we feel the BANG with the all-new WWE Basic 68A (there’s a 68B series, not sure why) Diamond Dallas Page figure!

Diamond Cutter! ———————————————————- Look for an in-depth review on’s #FigureFriday tomorrow featuring the new WWE Basic 68 Diamond Dallas Page as well as a NEW episode of #Figure2Photo showing the making of this photo on the WrestleZone Facebook & YouTube channel on Monday! ———————————————————- Save 10% on with code MBG1211 at checkout! ———————————————————- #wwe #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwenetwork #wweuniverse #wwemattel #DiamondDallasPage #Sting #WrestleZone #wrestling #WrestlingFigures #wrestlingfigurephotography #ccw #crashcollisionwrestling #raw #smackdown #nxt #acba #actionfigures #ringsidecollectibles #mbg1211 #mbgfilms #matthewgoldberg #wfp #toyphotography #toystagram #ToyCrewBuddies #figlife #mattel

A photo posted by Matthew Goldberg | mbg1211 (@mbg1211) on

This figure is currently available at at this moment and will also be available at mass store and online retailers as well.

Looking at DDP in the packaging you can see he has the slightly new packaging style for 2017 as this figure is technically scheduled for 2017, it’s just online early. The different style comes with the name plates/logos on the carding on the front, as seen on the side/behind him here. It’s nice to see series numbers back on the boxes as they were removed in 2016, making it a bit of a pain to locate figures at the store if you were calling and looking for a particular series. Also in his series is: Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, Neville, Kalisto, Bo Dallas, Finn Bálor and Dana Brooke.

Now let’s take a look at DDP out of the packaging. I was drawn to this figure due to the fact he is wearing jeans, which Mattel unfortunately never made this version in Elite form as I know many collectors were eager to see that. Hopefully Mattel does that later on. He also has a new yelling head scan, which looks pretty good but I feel his hair is a little too dark? I still like this figure though, probably one of my favorites of him. The detail is nice for a Basic figure and this is DDP’s very first Basic as well as his previous WWE figures are Elites.

If we take a closer look at DDP you can see the little details. You can see the little star tattoo on his chest as well as his detailed tattoos on both shoulders/biceps. They are not colored in as Basics never have colored tattoos, but I’m not sure if his tattoos normally have color? He also has rubber elbow pads covering his elbows; they have wrinkles and “stitching” on the padding to give it an authentic look. The only problem with the elbow pads is that they do restrict his elbow movement just a bit, as the rubber isn’t soft enough to handle the articulation. So if you’re trying to pose his arms just be careful, as you don’t want to force the joints and cause an issue.

Feel the BANG! ———————————————————- Check out my new video series #Figure2Photo on the Facebook page and YouTube channel every Monday! ———————————————————- Save 10% on with code MBG1211 at checkout! ———————————————————- #wwe #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwenetwork #wweuniverse #wwemattel #DDP #DiamondDallasPage #WrestleZone #wrestling #WrestlingFigures #wrestlingfigurephotography #ccw #crashcollisionwrestling #raw #smackdown #nxt #acba #actionfigures #ringsidecollectibles #mbg1211 #mbgfilms #matthewgoldberg #wfp #toyphotography #toystagram #ToyCrewBuddies #figlife #mattel #wcw

A photo posted by Matthew Goldberg | mbg1211 (@mbg1211) on

Looking at his hands/wrists you can see the wrist/hand tape and even the finger tape, which is a really cool detail in my opinion. I love the fact they gave him finger tape. If you look at his jeans you can see he has a painted belt buckle as well as the jean loops going around the belt, which are molded to give it authenticity. He also has wrinkles and stitching on his jeans, giving them even more of an authentic look.

Overall, I’d say it’s a nice Basic. Basics have similar articulation to Elites, they just don’t have a chest joint, ball jointed legs or double-jointed knees. You can’t pose them as nicely but they’re great for display. These figures are normally in the $10 price range if you’re not familiar with how much they are. I do recommend this figure as I said earlier it’s probably one of my favorite figures of him to date. Remember you can only get him on Ringside currently. You can add a necklace and the vest from his Elite to really make it pop, as seen in my photo below.

Look for a new episode of Figure 2 Photo on Monday showing the making of the photo above using this figure on the WrestleZone YouTube and Facebook pages! You can keep up with me on my Instagram, YouTube and Twitter as well if you ever have any questions or just want to see my other photography/videography!

Thanks and I’ll see you next week!