Roman Reigns Endorses Dean Ambrose’s Non-PG Rated Moniker, Rusev Takes a Shot at Lana, Seth Rollins Talks His Tattoos, Vickie Guerrero News

Rusev Takes a Shot at Lana

Rusev Tweeted the following:

Vickie Guerrero at NXT Event

Former WWE GM Vickie Guerrero, who attended last night’s WWE NXT live event, Tweeted the following:

Roman Reigns Endorses Dean Ambrose Moniker

Wrestling lore has deemed Dean Ambrose the “titty master” stemming from a rumor that Ambrose once had the phrase written on his wrestling tape during a match. This is a rumor Ambrose has denied, however it did not stop Roman Reigns from endorsing a chant of the phrase in the following video footage captured by a fan:

Seth Rollins Talks His Tattoos

The following video features Seth Rollins telling the stories behind his tattoos: