Non-Spoiler Match Listing for Tonight’s TNA Impact Wrestling: Team Angle vs Team Young, Pillow Talk with The Dollhouse & More

impact wrestlingThe following matches have been taped for tonight’s edition of Impact Wrestling:

-Team Angle vs. Team Young: Hardcore War – Eric Young, Low Ki, Kenny King, Bram and MVP vs. Kurt Angle, Mica, Lashley, Drew Galloway and Chris Melendez.

-First Bout in Five Bout Series for vacant TNA Tag Team championship: The Wolves vs. Austin Aries & Bobby Roode.

-Brooke Tessmacher & Rebel vs. Dollhouse.

-Robbie E vs. Jesse Godderz.

-Pillow Talk with The Doll House.

As always, WZ will be providing complete, LIVE coverage of Impact Wrestling beginning tonight at 9pm EST so be sure to join us then!