Drew Galloway Comments on His Time in WWE, TNA Working WIth Evolve

drew gallowayFormer WWE Superstar and current member of the TNA roster, Drew Galloway, spoke about his time in WWE and TNA. He also comments on working in the indies. Below are a few highlights of the interview with TNAMecca.com

His time in WWE compared to TNA:

“I will never say anything negative about WWE. How can I? I was with them 8 years, since I was 21, grew up there living my dream. Was FCW developmental tag champion (with Wade Barrett) twice, heavyweight champion, WWE tag team champion, Intercontinental champion, Vince McMahon’s Chosen One, multiple Wrestlemania’s, made great friends and I’m still under 30. That is unreal. I thank my stars I was there and truly grew into a man. From a boy who left university as a student straight to WWE. Those experiences, those ups and downs in life and work shaped the wrestler and man I am today.

Right now, I am so happy with TNA. As I’ve mentioned, the guys and gals have such unique ideas and big goals. I’m the most obsessive passionate fan in the world and it can sometimes be taken as an attitude issue, but they channel my passion and creativity in the right direction and that’s whatever you see on screen.”

Signing with TNA and still connected with Evolve:

“Once I made my deal, an agreement was made to bring in a couple of other guys from TNA to Evolve and a working agreement is very likely. If I had or can have any part in wrestling growing then I have truly succeeded. All I want is wrestling to grow while living my dream and if I can help then that’s beyond my dreams.”