WWE Holding “All Talent” Meeting Before Raw
According to WWE sources, company officials have called an “all talent” meeting at 3:30pm EST tomorrow at Raw in Pittsburgh. WZ will have more details following the meeting tomorrow afternoon.
Jim Ross Blogs on Bill DeMott NXT Situation
Jim Ross has posted a new blog over at JRsBarBQ.com, regarding the Bill DeMott NXT situation, and the following is an excerpt:
“Some people who have never been that involved in organized sports often times take stereotypical locker room talk or hard coaching in a negative way when that technique of motivating athletes to become their best was the norm in the past. I vividly remember some ‘lectures’ that I received from my late father after arriving home on a Friday night after high school football games in which I played. This whole matter of the allegations against DeMott somewhat reminds me of how Adrian Peterson disciplined his child by using a switch on the child that got AD in major trouble. Obviously, times have changed because my Mom & Dad would both have gotten in big time trouble if spanking or using a switch on their only child was treated as it is today. I’m not condoning child abuse in any form whatsoever but one has to wonder just what is the proper method to discipline children in today’s society? One thing I know is that most parents who want to be their children’s best pal often times regret that philosophy later in life. But I digress.
Let me make this clear, I do not condone abusing any one in any ‘arena’ of life whatsoever but in challenging endeavors such as WWE, NFL, etc where mental and physical toughness are required, it seems to continue to be increasingly challenging to train potential talents in a manner that today’ s society accepts similar to the Adrian Peterson situation which I can identify with wholeheartedly. I even had to go pick my own switch to be disciplined with back in the day. I’m a huge Adrian Peterson fan but AD, not AP, please, has to learn to discipline his children when they need it in another more acceptable manner that’s seen as OK in today’s world.
If the goal was for some of the disgruntled ‘whistle blowers’ or “victims” was to get DeMott replaced, then they succeeded and now let’s see where else it goes as the next shoe to drop may indicate the true motive of the accusers. This I do know, Bill DeMott was a hard working, die hard wrestling guy whose track record of developing talents is hard to ignore. Was he tough and demanding? Absolutely he was but that doesn’t necessarily make him the person that some are attempting to make him out to be. He was in a role that brings with it naturally a level of angst and controversy at times especially from talents who do not get “live their dream” when all is said and done.”