JR Talks Rollins Turning on The Shield & Working as a Heel, WWE Polls Fans on Rollins’ Heel Turn, 6/5 Impact Preview (Video)

Jim Ross Talks Rollins Turning on The Shield

A new Jim Ross blog has been posted over at JRsBarBQ.com, and below are JR's thoughts on Seth Rollins turning on The Shield and working as a heel:

"Even though I'd personally preferred that the Shield stayed together a bit longer IE imploded at Summer Slam, the turn Monday night was well executed. Heels, generally, need to be able to absorb a believable ass whipping and bump with ease and Seth Rollins certainly fills the bill. Plus, Rollins can talk well but, for some reason, I expect other shoes to drop in and around this matter before Summer Slam."

WWE Polls Fans on Rollins

In related news, WWE has posted a new poll asking fans if they have lost respect for Seth Rollins after he turned on The Shield on Raw this week.

With close to 4,000 votes cast, "Yes, what he did to his brethren Reigns and Ambrose is unforgivable" is leading at 61%, compared to "No, it's a smart move. Rollins is looking out for his own best interests" at 39%.

Impact Wrestling Preview

The following is a video preview for tomorrow night's Impact Wrestling broadcast: