WWE Smackdown Results (5/23) – Bo Dallas Debuts, Batista vs Ziggler, Usos vs Wyatts

WWE Smackdown

Smackdown Quick Results: Batista def Dolph Ziggler – The Funkadactyls def Nikki & Eva Marie – Bo Dallas def Sin Cara – Sheamus def Alberto Del Rio via DQ – The Usos def The Wyatt Family va DQ – — #wrestlezone

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WWE Smackdown Results

May 23rd 2014

Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

Jimmy Hart and Hulk Hogan start the show by announcing the WWE Network will be available in the United Kingdom soon.

BP: Hulk basically cut a five minute plug for the network. Nostalgia pop for the UK crowd, nothing of note.

No Disqualification

Dolph Ziggler vs Batista

Dolph hits Batista a few times but Batista hits a quick spinebuster, then he gets a chair but Dolph takes it from him. Batista throws him into the commentary table, then he slams him into the apron and drops him throat first on the barricade. Batista charges him but Dolph sidesteps him, and Batista goes headfirst into the barricade before Dolph clotheslines him into the crowd. We get back from a break to see Dolph hit Batista several times with the chair, then he rolls him inside but Batista rolls back out and runs away. Dolph gives chase and clotheslines him, then he throws him into the barricade and splashes him in the corner.

Dolph connects with a DDT for two, then he hits a Famouser before Batista rolls outside and Dolph tackles him over the announce table. Dolph hits him on the floor and tries to whip him, but Batista reverses it and sends him into the steps before he slams Dolph's head off of the steps. Batista sets up for a powerbomb on the steps but Dolph low blows him, then he goes for a Famouser off the apron but Batista sidesteps him and Dolph slams his leg off of the ring steps. Batista throws him inside, and he connects with a spear out of the corner to win it.

Winner – Batista

BP: This was a really good match. Not sure who says Dolph is being buried, because he looked great here, and has a mini feud going on with a top guy. Dolph looked good in the loss and got a lot of offense in.