Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Quality Matches Carry The Show”

The Shield Matches on Smackdown

WWE Smackdown reactionSheamus defeated Dean Ambrose in a physical bout on Smackdown. Sheamus retains the championship after two massive Brogue Kicks onto Ambrose. I really enjoyed the match because it was physical and WWE let them go outside of the ring for a more "brawl" type match. Both guys are really different in techniques and style in the ring, but the match worked. I really want to see Sheamus become a heel, slowly. Let his offense and his aggression in the ring translate what his character is outside of the ring. 

Score: 7/10

Roman Reigns defeated Mark Henry

Reigns picks up the win after some impressive moves. Henry cuts a heel promo before the match. Henry should NEVER become a face again. Let him thrive in this role, one that gets younger and stronger guys over. Reigns hit a Samoan Drop and then a big spear onto Henry. The match was not fantastic, but it was scripted for Reigns to look powerful. It makes sense

Score: 6/10

Batista defeated Seth Rollins via Countout

Man, this Batista is just a shell of himself right now. He can't even get a great match with Rollins, who elevates everyone's game. Rollins goes to the outside and Batista throws him in the air onto the table. Rollins ends up getting counted out. Batista continues to lack speed, athleticism and agility. I really want his heel character to succeed, but he has to be better in the ring and not rely on what made him good before. He needs to evolve. Ironic, huh?

Score: 5/10