Breaking News: Kurt Angle Arrested For DWI, Mugshot Online

Kurt is reporting that TNA star Kurt Angle was arrested for DWI in Decatur, Texas following last night's Impact tapings. Angle was booked and later released on $2,000 bail.

The official charge in Texas has been listed as "Driving While Intoxicated 2nd," and it is unclear whether the 2nd refers to Angle's second offense in Texas or the degree of intoxication.

It is known, however, that this is Angle's third DWI arrest, as he was first arrested back in September 2011 in Virginia, which he plead down to reckless driving and was fined $1,500. The second arrest took place in March of 2011 in South Dakota and again Angle plead down to reckless driving.

Angle's mugshot can be viewed at this link.