WWE RAW Results (7/15) – Heyman Explains His Actions, Brock Returns, Cena Picks His Summerslam Opponent

WWE RAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

July 15th 2013

Brad Maddox comes out to a drum roll, then he puts over Brooklyn and says he is going to be the best GM ever. Maddox announces Dolph Ziggler will get a rematch against Alberto Del Rio, then John Cena comes out and cuts him off. Cena mentions the 'Maddox era' and says this will be the only time that the guy next to him will be more hated than him. Cena tells him not to take it wrong, because they just hate him, then Maddox says he is glad Cena came out there tonight. Maddox says he has admired Cena for a long time, and he thinks Cena is a good person who gives back, which is exactly why he's letting him choose his Summerslam opponent. Cena says that might not be a good idea because he could choose anyone, then Randy Orton comes out and says Maddox should be careful so he doesn't get ahead of himself.

Orton says there's a very good chance that Cena won't even be champion by then, but he tells Cena not to worry because he's not cashing in now. Orton says he won't screw up like Cena did last year, and he will take the opportunity to cash in when Cena least expects it, and he'll never see it coming. Fandango heads to the ring with Summer Rae and Orton doesn't like it, then Fandango hushes him and says Orton won't cash in on Cena. He says Orton will cash in on him, then Fandango says the only guy the fans want Cena to pick is himself, then he warms up and says his name. Cena repeats him and Orton goes after Fandango, then Fandango kicks him out of the ring but Orton comes right back with a clothesline. Orton throws him over the ropes as Maddox tells them to hold up, because if they want to get physical, they will have a match right now!

Randy Orton vs Fandango (w/ Summer Rae)

We join the match in progress after a break, and Orton kicks Fandango and goes for a kneedrop but Fandango rolls away and steps on his throat. Fandango picks him up but Orton reverses a suplex, then Fandango goes outside so Orton throws him into the apron and throws him towards the steps. Fandango blocks it and hits Orton in the stomach, then Orton comes back with a clothesline and a side suplex on the barricade. Orton rolls him in and gets a near fall, then Fandango chokes him on the ropes and punches him before taunting the crowd and kneeing him. Fandango puts him in a three-quarters facelock but Orton breaks it with some punches, then he whips Fandango into the ropes and takes him down with a backdrop. (Cont'd…)