WrestleMania 29

A British Point of View: WrestleMania 29 Preview & Predictions

Now granted, those comments are a little harsh because as slow as this year’s build has been I’m still convinced that the show will be majorly successful and also provide us with enough moments to satisfy all of us fans (No, I’m not calling you a Universe.)

Let’s look at the card:

Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett VS The Miz

This match has just been thrown together and put on to the pre-show which in itself is quite disappointing to see. Both of these men will do their best to stand out and they may get more time to do this with them not having the time constraints of being on the main card but I still would have preferred for WWE to use some sort of 8 man ladder match for the mid-card titles. This would have got these and many other stars such as Kofi Kingston and Antonio Cesaro on the main card and produced a match that we wouldn’t so easily predict.

My Pick: Barrett Retains

WWE Tag Team Championship: Team Hell No VS Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston

This match has come out of nowhere with AJ’s sudden re-interest with Daniel Bryan and Kane. The match has been built about as well as you could expect and this match feels like the chance to show off Langston as the big monster.

My Pick: Dolph Ziggler & Big E. Langston

8 Person Mixed Tag Team Match: Tons of Funk & Funkadactyls (Yes I had to Google that!) VS Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins

The only reason why this match is on the main card is to break up the main events because I don’t know ANYBODY who is interested in this contest. It feels like a total waste of time for people like Sandow and Rhodes to be dropped in to something like this. Plus someone like Cameron is getting their spot on the card whilst Antonio Cesaro is being left out to dry. Simply Shocking.

My Pick: Tons of Funk & Funkadactyls

Chris Jericho VS Fandango (Yes I said FANNNN DAAAANGG GHOOOOOOO when I typed it.)

This match has been surprisingly one of the few matches that has received a decent build up coming in to this Sunday. As I’ve mentioned before, Johnny Curtis has always been a solid competitor and I expect him to impress in this match. Jericho will make Fandango look great here and they could go either way with this one.

My Pick: Fandango

Ryback VS Mark Henry

This entire contest is revolving around whether Ryback can deliver the Shell Shock to Mark Henry. I hope these guys have been practising because the last thing Ryback needs is another Tensai botch on the biggest show of the year. I feel Ryback will deliver and get his WrestleMania moment just the same as John Cena did at WrestleMania 21 when he deliver the FU to Big Show.

My Pick: Ryback

Randy Orton & Sheamus & Big Show VS The Shield

This match should be a fun 10 minute contest with lots of opportunities for wrestlers to hit finishers and make an impact. With the way Randy Orton has been playing peacekeeper for the past couple of weeks between Sheamus and Big Show I still strongly believe that this man will turn heel this Sunday. Whether or not he becomes involved with The Shield is another matter but the chance is there to make Orton interesting again and WWE would be foolish to leave it.

My Pick: The Shield

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio VS Jack Swagger

This doesn’t feel like a main event but it most certainly is. This has the potential to be a cracking match as both men are very capable of producing classic mat wrestling but it all seems over shadowed with everyone’s expectations of Dolph Ziggler finally cashing in the briefcase for the win. I can imagine Del Rio retaining but gets attacked after the bell by Swagger with the Patriot Lock (possibly breaking the ankle) and leaving him defenceless for Ziggler.

My Pick: Alberto Del Rio (Shortly followed by Dolph Ziggler.)

Triple H VS Brock Lesnar – Triple H’s career is on the line

This would have made more sense if it was for The COO position as most fans already feel that Triple H is semi-retired anyway. With that being said though the match between them should be a good brawl which plays to both men’s strengths in the ring. The addition of HBK at ringside from this past week on RAW might not have been required and will likely serve just as someone who can super kick Heyman when he tries to get involved but I think this match has the potential to provide the most likely “shocker” of the evening with Triple H retiring. I would love to see what happens if HBK cost him the match by mistake!

My Pick: Brock Lesnar

The Streak: Undertaker VS CM Punk

This is the ONLY main event that people haven’t really seen in a long time and have never seen at WrestleMania. People question whether Undertaker can still go but after his altercation with CM Punk on RAW this past week I think we can assume that we will still get a solid in ring performance from both men. My only concern is that the build up for this match has been weak and feel that Punk is almost just going through the motions to get this done. I would have preferred more promo time for Punk and the match to feel a little bit more real rather than a vendetta to get the Urn back. People have this one in for a shocker but I still can’t see it happening.

My Pick: Undertaker

WWE Championship: The Rock VS John Cena

This was just another match to me until RAW two weeks ago where my interest peaked again with a slightly heel-like promo from John Cena saying that Rock never really beat him it was “John Cena that beat John Cena.” Cena has continued to come across on TV as a slightly more complex character by making statements such as he will shock the world. I would love nothing more than Rock to be the crack in Cena’s armour but I still can’t help feel that it won’t happen.

My Pick: John Cena (That doesn’t mean he still can’t turn heel?)

I still believe that we have to get a moment for this WrestleMania which you can take home with you. This usually takes shape in some form of surprise. I believe that one of the main events will have a result we may not expect. I would love it to be Cena losing to The Rock again to try and plant more seeds for that Cena heel turn everyone so desperately wants to see. In reality I think it could be Triple H. I could imagine Triple H hanging his boots up after this show and having a similar send off as HBK did a few years ago.

Then again, WWE could just go down the predictable route and not really take any chances which they have done before. Everything Cena has said and done from his heel-like comments to his smug “you can’t see me” to Rock on RAW a few weeks back could have all been red herrings. Cena beats Rock, stays cheesy, Taker beats Punk, Punk takes time off, Triple H wins and Brock then needs to build momentum again. Those are all likely but I would love for WWE just to take a chance on something like a Cena heel turn. They won’t lose as much business as they think and who knows? They may create MORE business from returning fans who hear the buzz of something on the horizon. Either way WWE will always have options. The build hasn’t been great but the matches all have potential, and when you have potential you have the chance to make something that little bit special. Here’s hoping April 7th will be a good day to be a wrestling fan… Enjoy!

Check out the WrestleMania 29 Roundtable with Jon Alba, Brian Mallen, Jordan Katz, Christopher Walder, Craig D’Amico and of course myself as we take a more in depth look at the possibilities for this Sunday and I try not to bury Tons of Funk too much.


Martyn can be reached at [email protected] or @BeansOnToastUK on Twitter.