Complete ROH “Supercard of Honor VII” iPPV Results

Ring of Honor Presents: Supercard of Honor VII

April 5, 2013

RD Evans makes his way down with QT Marshall, and grabs a microphone. He says there has been a lot of talk as to who would be QT's partner in tonight's big tag team match, and he went all around the globe to find the best partner possible. He mentions a few talents who wanted to be Marshall's partner, including EEmilio Estevez and Lacey Von Erich – he turned them down because they weren't deserving enough. He reveals himself as the partner tonight, and QT isn't a big fan of the reveal. 

RD Evans & QT Marshall vs. ACH & Tadarius Thomas

RD tries to start the match, but feigns an injury and tags out right away. QT is in control for several minutes, working over Tadarius Thomas with various rest holds. RD tags hismelf into the match and gets absolutely destroyed by a clothesline from ACH. He locks in a Texas Cloverleaf, but RD makes the save only to get thrown to the outside by Tadarius Thomas. ACH nails a baseball slide on RD, sending him into the guard rail, followed by Air Jordan to the outside onto RD Evans. 

ACH stacks up both the heels, and Thomas goes high risk and comes off with a flying senton, taking down both men as the crowd chants "ROH". They roll back in the ring and Marshall plants ACH with a huge big boot. Somehow RD Evans manages to lift up ACH into the piledriver position, and actually hits him with an inverted Styles Clash. Their momentum doesn't last for long, as the faces nail QT with a series of capoeira kicks. ACH lands the Big Bang Attack on Marshall for the victory. 

Results: ACH & Tadarius Thomas win via pinfall