Interesting Facts and Figures For Raw’s 20th Anniversary Celebration

WWE RawWWE sent out a press release this past weekend hyping the big 20th Anniversary episode of WWE Raw. The email had fun facts and figures to think about for everyone, showing how far the show has come since January 11, 1993.

– Since 1993, Raw has served 169 tons of meat, 51 tons of potatoes, and 8,000 cases of vegetables and 500,000 cookies to their Superstars, Divas, and crew members.

– New York City has held the most Monday Night Raw events with 27. Second is Cleveland with 18, and Boston is tied with Atlanta and Chicago with 17.

-12 Production trucks, 8 crew buses, 5 talent buses, 2 television trucks, 1 satellite truck, and 1 generator truck are used each and every week to broadcast a WWE Raw show.

-WWE has traveled over 700,000 miles in North America alone during their 20 year journey to each city for WWE Raw shows. This calculates the 52 week a year travel, and all of the cities they have traveled to and from for Monday Night Raw.

– WWE Monday Night Raw has aired 1,024 episodes and 2,089 broadcast hours.

– Raw has been viewed 4 billion times over the past 20 years in the United States.

-Stone Cold Steve Austin has won the World Championship most on Raw, at 3 times. The Rock and Triple H are second with 2.