WWE RAW Results (3/26) – Final RAW Before WM28, Punk Injures Team Johnny Member, Cena/Rock Face Off

WWE RAW Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

March 26th 2012

Randy Orton & Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan (w/ AJ) & Kane

Orton hits a shoulder block then takes some kicks from Bryan, but comes by backdropping him and stomping him on the mat. Bryan rolls away from a knee drop, then he runs up the turnbuckle and floats over Orton but gets knocked down with a clothesline. Sheamus gets the tag so Bryan runs away and tags Kane, then Sheamus laughs at Bryan before locking up with Kane in the corner. Kane knees him in the stomach and goes for a scoop slam, then Sheamus floats over and chop blocks Kane's knee, but gets hit by a dropkick. Sheamus comes back with a Battering Ram, but Bryan interferes and hits a running dropkick from the apron as we go to a break.

When we return, Sheamus avoids a running dropkick by Bryan and tags Orton, and he hits a clothesline and a powerslam before setting up for a hanging DDT. Orton hits the DDT and calls for a RKO, but Kane pulls Bryan out of the ring so Orton runs after Kane and slams his head into the ringpost. Bryan dropkicks Orton in the head then kicks him on the floor, and he rolls Orton back in the ring and tags Kane, who works on Orton's ribs in the corner. Kane applies a headlock, but Orton breaks the hold so Kane hits a side slam for a two count then follows with a top rope clothesline. He signals for a chokeslam, but Orton sees it coming and hits a dropkick, then both guys tag out and Sheamus pounds on Bryan in the corner.

Sheamus drops Bryan with an Irish Curse, then Orton helps him clothesline Kane out of the ring and calls for a RKO on the floor. Kane fights Orton off and throws him into the ringpost, then Sheamus calls for a Brogue Kick, but AJ gets in the way. The ref pulls her away and Sheamus runs at Bryan, but he gets caught on the top rope and Kane chokeslams him from the apron and Bryan rolls him up.

Winners – Daniel Bryan & Kane