Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Results (3/3): Louisville, Kentucky

The following report is from Trent Vandrisse and F4WOnline.com

Here’s the Ohio Valley Wrestling Television report for episode #654, which was taped on February 29th, with an air date of March 3rd in Louisville. But this episode is already available online at www.ovwrestling.com. This was the “go home” show for the March 3rd Saturday Night Special. Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey and Kenny Bolin were the TV announcers for this episode. Ron Hed and Brittany DeVore were the ring announcers.

I’m going to be scaling back on the length and detail of these reports because my real life schedule has been rough for awhile now, and it’s just too time consuming for me to keep doing more detailed reports. I enjoy doing them though, and hope people continue to enjoy reading them. If you want all the details, go watch the episode!

This show opened with Bolin Services 2.0 all in the locker room. Manager Prince Bolin was in a complete panic, because if his team loses to Los Locos in a four on two match tonight, he gets his head shaved.

Treiler Park Trash, the babyface director of wrestling operations of OVW came to the ring. TPT said Jason Wayne was injured last week, and would be out of action indefinitely. TPT said “Family member” Rob Terry was suspended for today for purposely injuring Wayne last week. Out to the ring came the heelish Talent Arbitrator of OVW, Josette Bynum, accompanied by the rest of “The Family”. Bynum wanted Johnny Spade to come out and give them his tag team belt that his team lost last week, even though Spade wasn’t there. Bynum said it was “Family rules” even though Rob Terry is suspended. Out came “Smooth” Johnny Spade, who reluctantly handed his tag belt over. Bynum then called one legged Iraq war hero Michael Hayes, though nothing of note happened after that. This Saturday “Family member”, and OVW Heavyweight champion, Rudy Switchblade defends against Spade. Michael Hayes faces “Family member” Mohamad Ali Vaez with “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero as the special ref, but don’t ask me why. Tons of missed easy and logical storyline opportunities blew right by OVW during this weak segment.

Brandon Espinosa was backstage with his friend Chris talking to Sean Casey and Raphael Constantine, who had two ladies with them. Casey and Constantine were trying to figure out the gender of Chris. It’s like the old “Pat” bit on Saturday Night Live many years ago.

1. Chris Silvio w/Mo Green, Mary, and The Midget beat Tony Gunn to retain the OVW TV title

Tony Gunn, as always, had his beloved stuffed bear Ralphie with him. Silvio’s midget had a stick horse with him this week. The Midget ended up grabbing Ralphie, which was more than enough of a distraction to allow Silvio to hit Gunn with his “Rocket Punch” finisher and retain the TV title

A commercial aired for Chris Silvio to defend the OVW TV title against Shiloh Jonze was the March 10th house show in Clarksville, Indiana. This commercial included promos and house show footage from the last meeting these two had there.

A “Loomisvision” video aired for the Sean Casey and Raphael Constantine tag team.

Next was supposed to be Dylan Bostic vs Chase King, but instead Adam Revolver came out and was again openly hitting on ring announcer Brittany DeVore, who was again rebuking his lewd advances. Revolver forced himself on DeVore with a kiss, but DeVore’s real life boyfriend, Ted McNaler, ran out and attacked Revolver, which ended up in a pull apart. McNaler took the mic and said it would be him vs Revolver this Saturday in a “Brother vs Brother” match.

Paredyse was shown skipping happily backstage.

Prince Bolin was backstage, more confident now, giving his troops a pep talk to be on top of their game tonight. Bolin though again gave Mickey the personal assistant some verbal abuse. BS 2.0 Member James “Moose” Thomas again defended Mickey. Hummm…

2. Brandon Espinosa w/Chris beat Elvis Pridemore

Espinosa beat Pridemore with his Cobra Clutch into a face plant finisher. After the match Espinosa tried to smear lipstick on Pridemore’s face, but Paredyse made the save. Paredyse then produced the dress that Espinisa has been putting on his beaten opponents lately, and put it on Espinisa. Paredyse said he will face Espinosa in a “Dress on a pole” match this Saturday.

Johnny Spade and Michael Hayes were backstage giving each other pep talks for the big matches this Saturday.

3. Los Locos(Anarquia & Raul Lamotta) beat James “Moose” Thomas, Rocco Bellagio, Joe Coleman, and Jack Black w/Prince Bolin & Mickey in a four on two handicap match

TV main event time. The stips for this was were set up last week. BS 2.0 vs Los Locos four on two, but if BS 2.0 loses, manager Prince Bolin gets his head shaved. This match went on awhile with both Lamotta and Anarquia taking the heat. In the end though Joe Coleman got caught in a Moose Thomas and Jack Black “Here’s the beef” sandwich after a BS 2.0 miscue. Lamotta then pinned Coleman with a jumping DDT to win it. The finish got a big pop.

Trailer Park Trash ordered everyone in BS 2.0 except Prince Bolin to leave. Kenny Bolin was begging for the head shaving of his son not to happen. But happen it did, in mid ring, and the clippers they used were sharp and effective. Prince Bolin had a big and thick head of black hair, but it came off quickly. Lamotta gave The Prince a jumping DDT for good measure after the head shaving was over.

Well, I didn’t expect Prince Bolin to actually get his head shaved going into this episode, but OVW really delivered big on that stip this show. Overall though, just an “OK” show again, which is a trend OVW has been in for too long now it seems. It’s like they have some decent storylines going on, but then drop the ball in certain key areas with them, when it’s such as easy ball not to drop. In other areas, their attention to detail is very good. Sort of odd. Send any feedback to [email protected]