The Swingometer: Scoring Monday Night Raw

WWE RawUsual drill, scoring each segment between -5 and +5 to create an overall score. Last week's show scored +17 with an average of 1.7 points per segment.

Segment 1: Piper's Pit with John Cena. Score: +2

A lot of old ground covered, as Cena said we have heard it all before. But both he and Piper were on top form, and this segment will certainly be the catalyst for something down the line. I just hope it isn't a Cena heel turn which, as I hope to write in a column this week, is a horrid idea.

Running Score: +2

Segment 2: The Miz ends John Morrison's WWE Career Score: +2

A flat way to end JoMo's WWE career, although I'm not totally sure what else they could've done. Importantly The Miz looked like a beast, that's what made this segment worth while. As I said on Twitter last night, all this talk about the current and next face of the WWE. That's a simple question – that'll be the Miz in a couple of years. So getting him on track is important.

Running Score: +4  (+2,+2)

Segment 3: Divas match. Score: 0

Was too busy watching “Second2012” video, and this match was over before the video had finished. Harmless, and Natalya and Beth jogging around the ring was amusing.

Running Score: +4 (+2,+2, 0)

Segment 4: Laurinaitis, Otunga, Del Rio & Punk backstage. Score: +1

Good stuff from all concerned, Punk was funny and most importantly it raised my interest in the main event.

Running Score: +5 (+2,+2, 0,+1)

Segment 5: Ziggler vs Orton w/ Barrett on commentary. Score: +2

Didn't click in the same way that Ziggler's match did with Punk last week, but good to see that he's getting put in the marquee spots. Barrett and Ziggler are two big reasons to be excited about the future.

Running Score: +7 (+2,+2, 0,+1,+2)

Segment 6: Michael Cole, Daniel Bryan & Mark Henry. Score: +3

Best part of the show. Bryan was intense to levels we've never seen before and really sold me on the idea of watching tonight's live Smackdown. Henry vs Bryan is the best storyline in the company right now, and I hope this is them building towards at Wrestlemania 28 match.

Running Score: +10 (+2,+2, 0,+1,+2,+3)

Segment 7: Zack Ryder vs Jack Swagger. Score: +1

Nothing amazing here, and it does pain me to see Swagger becoming a jobber by the week. On the positive side of things, Ryder continues to get a reaction, which is great to see.

Running Score: +11  (+2,+2, 0,+1,+2,+3,+1)

Segment 8: CM Punk vs Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Championship. Score: +2

A good match, although rightfully nothing on their bout at Survivor Series.  My guess is that Punk using the exposed turnbuckle will lead to a Fatal 4 Way ladder match at TLC, against Del Rio, Cena and The Miz.

End score: +13 (+2,+2, 0,+1,+2,+3,+1,+2)

Average segment score: 1.6

Another strong Raw. One thing they've done really well in the last two weeks is not try to cram too much into one show. The focus is on a few main characters and a few main stories, and it made for another enjoyable show.

I've not got a problem with there not being any Triple H vs Nash storyline development in this show (although they need to address it soon). There's no edict that says you need to address every storyline in every show, in fact that's probably why this show was one of the better ones.

As always you can find me on Twitter, and follow a live version of the Swingometer, @bobbybamber.