Former WWE Star Says Morrison Is In The Dog House

I recently had an exchange on Twitter with Sean Waltman (@TheRealXPac) on the topic of John Morrison.

He had tweeted:

Eventually they will take Morrison out of the dog house. He brought it on himself with the way he treated Trish Stratus at WM.Tue Oct 25 02:28:56 via web

and then I had responded to him by saying:

@TheRealXPac I don't think so man, contract coming to an end with WWE and seems like the two sides are about done with each otherTue Oct 25 02:32:06 via web

And Waltman responded with:

@JustinLaBar If he was smart he'd ride out the storm. HHH was in the doghouse forever & now look.Tue Oct 25 02:36:09 via web