Stars In Progress…Henry As Champ?, Del Rio, Bully Ray, More

It's time for another edition of "Stars in Progress" where each week, I take a look at those superstars that took a step up or step down from the previous week in terms of storyline and direction.

It was a very eventful week in both major companies as you saw Kevin Nash get "fired" on Raw (some believe it's real, some believe it's a work) and in TNA, Jeff Hardy made his controversial return to tv on Impact Thursday.  In regards to Kevin Nash, I'm leaning to believe it is a half-work/half-shoot situation.  I think he will be back, but the timing may be bad right now due to his other obligations.  Jeff is the most beloved of the two Hardy brothers and I'm hearing that those close to him truly believe he has learned from his mistakes and is simply happy to be back in TNA.  

If you would like to respond to this week's "Stars in Progress" column, follow me on Twitter @RealityofChris or email me at [email protected].  Also, be sure to tune in live this Monday night from 7-8 EST for the Voice of Wrestling radio show.