Thanks to Lindsey Hauser for sending this in:
I attended the FCW TV Taping on Thursday so I have some spoilers for you.
1.) Leo Kruger is the new Florida Heavyweight Champion – The fatal 4 way contenders were: Leo Kruger, Damien Sandow, Husky Harris and Dean Ambrose.
2.) Audrey Marie is the new Divas Champion- Took title from Aksana.
I talked to Husky Harris after the show and he told me that something happened with Bo (I think it was a fight) and that he suffered from internal injuries. He said that Bo spent 4 days in ICU and is now home and recovering.
~ Super 8 Contenders ~
Seth Rollins (FCW 15 Champion) Percy Watson, Dean Ambrose, Leo Kruger, Damien Sandow, Husky Harris, Leakee, and Big E Langston.
3.) Seth Rollins suffered a torn muscle in his shoulder. He is still competing and is healing fine.