Complete 8/9/11 WWE NXT Redemption Resuts

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Matt Striker is in the ring and he says that we have a unique challenge called Bobbing for Redemption. They will need to grab an egg and carry it across the line.

Darren Young interrupts and he says that he is sick and tired of the garbage coming out of his mouth. For the last 23 weeks, he has NXT and he will not be part of any challenge or mission. He wants to know who Striker thinks he is.

Matt says that he doesn’t care if Darren does the challenge or not, he has a job to do.

Darren wants to know who Striker thinks he is because he said that he is not going to do a challenge. Darren reminds Striker that he has main evented a SummerSlam and he wants to know what Striker has done. He says that Striker is a wannabe and he is a host because he couldn’t cut it in the ring.

Matt says that he was blessed to have a and wrestle in front of the WWE fans. All Darren does is talk about his past accolades and that is why he is not going to win. Darren should stop focusing on the past and focus on what he is going to do.

Darren says that he needs to think about his and he punches Striker. Darren tells Striker if he wants to be a tough guy, why not go one on one in the ring. He will show Matt and everyone in attendance why he is going to win NXT.

Regal suggests that Young better be careful because of how Striker looked last week .

Tyson Kidd is asked about facing Justin Gabriel and Tyson is shocked that Justin is called NXT Alumni. Tyson says that he comes from the best alumni. If you can combine The British Bulldog and Bret Hart and add his high flying skills, he is the best to ever come from the dungeon. He will make Justin Gabriel suffer tonight and Justin will find out how truly great he is.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Tyson Kidd versus Justin Gabriel

They lock up and Kidd works on the wrist but Gabriel rolls through and does a cartwheel to reverse. Kidd with a single leg take down but Gabriel with a hammer lock. Kidd gets to the ropes and Gabriel releases the hold. Kidd with a waist lock and take down into a front face lock but Gabriel with a hammer lock into a side head lock.

Gabriel with a shoulder tackle and he avoids a hip toss by landing on his feet. Kidd with a side head lock take down. Kidd holds on to the side head lock and then he runs Gabriel into the corner and connects with a series of shoulders followed by a kick. Kidd with a snap mare and kick to the back. Kidd with a running kick to the head and then he gets a near fall.

Kidd chokes Gabriel in the corner with his knee. Kidd punches Gabriel but Gabriel with a chop. Gabriel with a forearm followed by a European uppercut. Gabriel with a few kicks in the corner and then he chokes Kidd with his boot. Kidd with an Irish whip followed by a punch and Irish whip but Gabriel floats over and he sends Kidd to the floor with a head scissors. Gabriel goes to the apron and Kidd tries to stop him. Gabriel tries for an Asai Moonsault but Kidd kicks Gabriel to stop him. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd with a reverse chin lock. Gabriel with elbows and a punch to Kidd Gabriel tries for an STO but Kidd with a series of kicks and a drop kick for a near fall. Kidd with a knee drop and then he returns to the reverse chin lock. Gabriel tries to get back to his feet and he hits a jawbreaker to get out of the hold. Gabriel tries for a drop kick but Kidd holds on to the ropes. Kidd with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Gabriel with a baseball slide to Kidd on the floor followed by a corkscrew plancha onto Kidd. Gabriel returns Kidd to the ring and then he sets for a springboard cross body but the momentum allows Kidd to get a near fall. Kidd sets for a Sharpshooter but Gabriel kicks Kidd. Gabriel with a choke on Kidd but Kidd gets to the ropes. Gabriel goes up top for the 450 again but Kidd is able to get up and he crotches Gabriel.

Kidd goes up top as well but Gabriel kicks Kidd off. Kidd with an enzuigiri to the back but Gabriel stays on Top. Kidd with a double rana from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Kidd punches Gabriel and the referee warns Tyson. Tyson with a back heel kick but Gabriel with a Blue Thunder for a near fall.

Gabriel with forearms to Kidd but he misses the roaring elbow and Kidd with a single leg crab and Gabriel tries to get to the ropes. Kidd pulls Gabriel into the center of the ring but Gabriel with a rollup for a near fall. Gabriel with an STO and Gabriel goes up top for the 450 splash and he hits it for the three count.

Winner: Justin Gabriel

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Darren Young versus Matt Striker

Young pushes Striker but Striker with a double leg take down and he punches Young. Striker with an drag to Young. Striker with a chop to Young but Young puts Striker on the apron. Young with a neck breaker on the apron and he gets a near fall. Young with forearms to the chest and then he applies a reverse chin lock.

Striker with elbows but Young with a forearm and then he sends Striker shoulder first into the ring post. Young slams the arm into the ring post. Young with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Young stands over Striker but Striker with a slap and he gets a near fall. Young with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and he gets a near fall.

Young with an arm bar. Striker punches Young but Young with a knee. Striker blocks a snap mare and then he hits a Gory Bomb. Young misses a few elbow drops and a charge into the corner. Striker with a running boot to the head. Young gets Striker on the shoulders but Striker escapes and Striker gets a near fall after a Playmaker. Young works on the shoulder but Striker with an Irish whip but Striker misses a charge into the corner. Young with a gutbuster from the shoulders for the three count.

Winner: Darren Young

We go to commercial.

We are back with the CM Punk/John Cena video that aired last night on Raw.

Todd asks Regal how Triple H as referee will affect the WWE Title Match. Regal is at a loss for words but he says that Triple H might have ulterior motives.

Daniel Bryan is walking in the back and Derrick Bateman is busy playing video games. Daniel tells Derrick that they need to talk. Derrick wants to talk about going 2-0 against Titus and how Bryan needs to be at ringside. Daniel tells Derrick that he is not going to be at ringside with him because Derrick is embarrassing himself. He tells Derrick to figure out who he is and then he might show up at ringside with Derrick.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Derrick Bateman versus Titus O’Neil with Hornswoggle and AJ Lee

Derrick gets distracted by Hornswoggle and Titus attacks him from behind. Titus with a hard Irish whip and then he barks. Derrick with a kick to the knee and then he hits a swinging neck breaker on Titus. Derrick works on Titus’ back and he gets a near fall. Derrick with punches to Titus in the corner followed by an Irish whip and then he hits a running drop kick into the corner and he gets a near fall.

Derrick with a reverse chin lock on Titus followed by forearms to the back. Titus with a head to the midsection but Derrick with a snap mare and a reverse chin lock. Derrick gets on Titus’ back but Titus runs Derrick into the turnbuckles and then hits a back breaker. Titus with clotheslines to Derrick followed by a power slam and then he barks again. Titus tries for a slam but Derrick escapes the hold and then he tries for a sunset flip but Titus drops down and gets the three count.

Winner: Titus O’Neil

After the match, Derrick attacks Titus and then he grabs Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle goes through Derrick’s legs and Titus hits the Clash of the Titus. Titus points to the corner and it is time for the Frog Splash from Hornswoggle.

We go to credits.