A British Point of View: Was It Really Punishment?

My thoughts to WWE Capitol Punishment and some of the current issues within the WWE.

WWE Capitol Punishment was this past Sunday and everyone felt that the PPV was just to be used as a filler. It was but was it a good filler? Most people hoped that R-Truth could win the WWE Championship from John Cena and stop his apparent title run leading into Wrestlemania 28 with The Rock. Others hoped that Christian’s new heel turn would lead him into lifting the World Heavyweight Championship again. Finally people felt that Miz needed to win against Alex Riley to keep his credibility.  

Did these things happen? No. But is this really a bad thing? Remember… The PPV was a filler as the storylines currently taking place will likely continue their way into Summerslam. Alex Riley and The Miz will fight again. R-Truth will need direction in the next couple of weeks if Punk is going to lead into Money in the Bank as the number one contender and the Randy Orton / Christian feud has far from concluded.
The one aspect of the PPV this past Sunday was the one thing that most people have been craving for a long time, Wrestling!
Dolph Ziggler V Kofi Kingston was a sight into the future of the business, CM Punk V Rey Mysterio was an excellent display, R-Truth V Cena was a match not seen before and was entertaining, Orton V Christian was another solid wrestling display which appeared fresh even though it’s the 3rd title match between them in recent weeks and Alberto Del Rio was kept relevant by having a heelish victory over the Big Show.
So where do they go now? After this week’s actions from RAW, CM Punk is in line for a WWE Championship match against John Cena where everyone is wondering whether he will sign a new contract. For those who are currently not aware, CM Punk’s current contract with the WWE ends after the Money in the Bank PPV. Punk will not sign his new offered deal as WWE are wanting to own the name of CM Punk. Quite rightly Punk is fighting this by saying that he will just leave and take his name with him. Punk knows that at this current time WWE could really do with Punk on their side. He is the hottest heel at the moment and he is in the prime of his career. People are having thoughts of Punk running off with the WWE Championship after the Money in the Bank PPV and I just can’t see it. Punk will hold out as long as he needs too and WWE will eventually just offer Punk another contract and keep him from returning to the independent scene with his name intact. If WWE truly want to own this man’s name then they are going to have to concede that their best option is to give into Punk’s demands. Now yes, this doesn’t stop the fact that WWE could play on it with the build up to the PPV and who knows, Punk may have already signed on the dotted line behind closed doors and Vince has seen the opportunity to create some speculation on a real life issue rather than a fantasy storyline. Either way I don’t think that we will lose Punk from WWE television.
Other matters which have been bothering the fans (not the universe) is the fact that Christian still is not the World Heavyweight Champion. At the end of the day Christian is in the best spot to regain that title, he is heel, he has been robbed and he is relevant. Christian’s time will come again very soon and hopefully he can develop this character more into something more heelish than what is currently being displayed. Christian is a professional who has waited his turn and I’m sure he has a run better than 48 hours under his belt down the road.
R-Truth’s character has been a refreshing change to WWE television and the unpredictability of his persona is giving creative many directions they can go. Hopefully this is not just a flash in the pan but they can continue to delve deep into this complex and bizarre character. Punk’s confidence has also shot through the roof and considering a few weeks back he opened the UK edition of RAW in an awkward segment with John Morrison I now feel confident he can carry main event spot on a regular basis.
Overall I think today’s product is currently on the turn for the better. We have mid card wrestlers who are starting to push their own name. People like Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Sin Cara, Ezekiel Jackson, Wade Barrett and John Morrison are potentially all great main event talent within the next few years. The future is looking brighter. Yes we have John Cena and Randy Orton being turned into Supermen characters but times will change.
WWE Capitol Punishment didn’t really complete much to create new rivalries or produce new stars but it did develop current storylines and provided us with a solid WRESTLING card. These things can only be seen as a positive when you already knew going into the PPV that it was filler.
Here’s hoping that WWE give a good push to a new talent with the Money in the Bank PPV coming up in a few weeks.
Do you agree or did you think the PPV was complete garbage? Have WWE wasted too many opportunities? Or do you think that things are changing slowly for the better?
Let me know your thoughts at [email protected] or at Twitter @BeansOnToastUK.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.