Old School’s Take: The Wrestling BCS

Hello fans and welcome to another edition of Old School’s Take. I can be reached at my e-mail address [email protected] or my AIM SN dodgerman02. The Talking Points memo will talk about Sabu’s failing health. The man who was known as the suicidal, homicidal, genocidal human highlight real is now in bad shape. I knew it would only be a matter of time before everything caught up to him and it finally did. Sabu is one of the most popular guys to ever enter the ring and he need to know that his time has gone. He truly is a great and t would be a shame to see him really get hurt. A benefit show will be held on December 12 and all profits will go to help Sabu pay his medical bills. The show will be called “A Night of Appreciation for Sabu.” A benefit fund has been set up for Sabu . A donation may be made via Paypal.com to [email protected] or a check or money order may be made out and sent to:

Georgiann Makropoulos

23-44 30th Drive

Astoria, NY 11102-3252

Be sure to mark the donation – SABU FUND – in the memo.

For any American sport fan, the BCS is like the awful Mother in Law that you just cant stand to visit but know you have to. In other words the BCS is a pain in the behind. The Bowl Championship Series is College Football’s ranking system and it decides who goes to the major bowl games. Every year when the bowl games are announced, controversy fills the air, and this year was no different. However as I was sitting there contemplating how stupid this system is, it hit me that this system is in the wrong sport. It really belongs in the WWE. No where else can a system that has been around for 7 years and messed up 4 out of those 7 years work but in WWE.

For one thing it will establish a ranking system that I’ve wanted to see in wrestling for some time. Currently, there is no real way to establish a #1 contender. Over the past few weeks on raw we’ve seen several title matches. Edge, Chris Benoit, and Maven have all gotten shots at the title. There is no way that the WWE can say Maven is in the top 10 on the RAW brand. This is why some of the titles have lost some prestige. There are no longer any real #1 contenders because there is no way to identify them. Thus, another reason why the true rivalry has gone down the drain. The days of Steamboat vs. Flair and Hogan vs. Savage is no longer there. This ranking system can bring it back. Let me break this down and create a scenario.

Lets use HHH and Randy Orton as a example and lets say HHH is champ. Randy Orton will need to fight his way up to #1 every time to get his shot at HHH. Lets say Randy has defeated everyone and is just waiting for the new results to come out to be champ. Then the results show him as #2. Just think of the uproar that would cause. Orton would be saying how unfair it would be and HHH can be cocky and arrogant, just slipping out of Orton’s grasp. Orton will have to earn his spot and finally will get the #1 spot. I’m not saying it will happen exactly like this but I hope you get my message that a two month rivalry isn’t what many fans like. The controversy will also lead to a on screen role for Vince McMahon who gives the show a spark that helps the show every time he appears on screen. Probably in a heel capacity due to the controversial standings.

If this does happen the Brand extension would come to a end. Its way overdue, even though both products are soaring at this moment. Through all the releases, it appears WWE is setting up for the shocking announcement. I feel it will come at the beginning of the year before Royal Rumble, or after WrestleMania. I would say before the Rumble because the WWE needs that time to properly promote Mania. It may also take place at Wrestlemania itself. What a bombshell that would be at the grandest stage of them all. The more obvious choice in my opinion would be to wait for Mania to pass. Perhaps hold a special event to unify the titles. The announcement should come the night after Wrestlemania, since that was the day that Linda McMahon announced that the Brand Extension would take place after WrestleMania XVIII. Kind of odd if it goes down like that. It would truly be in WWE’S best interests.

The IC Title will get back its credibility through this system. The glory days of the 80’s will return but the formula must be followed. The top three will be able to go after any title they see fit. The others in the top ten are only eligible to go after the IC title. Here we have some established stars that will carry the titles and have the young rookies have to earn there stripes and then work there way to the IC title picture. I truly miss the Glory days of the IC title. I could probably write a whole column on that subject, since it would be a real easy write that would come strait from the heart. In this ranking system, the IC title will regain its prestige and then some. There will also be no Tough Enough winners who appear on TV for just a few weeks get a World Title Shot.

Now onto the Most Ridiculous Item of the Day. I’ve made it no secret that my overall thoughts of the WWE is great. Most don’t feel that way. But its fine. But yet, it seems that several fans will just watch the show’s to see what they did wrong instead of enjoying the show. I could name several columnist that do this. But I wont because I don’t want to start any controversy. Why fans will watch the WWE product and waste their time, just to find the negative is beyond me. Its not only Stupid, its ridiculous.

Now onto fan feedback. Please send all fan feedback to [email protected]. Name and town, name and town, name and town if you wish a reply. Keep the thoughts short and spiffy. Please no Blovating, that’s my job.

Feedback #1: GREGLAURIE, Unknown

Ask yourself why you write. Your ‘passion’ seems to derive more from getting recognition and the praise of others rather than from expressing yourself in print. Drive is an interior function. Ween yourself off the feedback by learning to be more self congradulatory. While some may relate with the loss of your smile, most, like myself, find it tiresome. I’ve read your column in the past to find a like perspective on values and wrestling history. If all you intend to do i now is sit and lick your wounds, give it up. You have a pulpit. Use it.

Frank’s Take: I write and have my passion because I love to write. Not for recognition or anything else. I do plan to work on MY passion and get back into the swing of things. I hope you continue to read my columns in the future and I hope to hear from you again

Feedback #2: Kevin Stark, Sidney BC Canada

I have been watching Wrestling for 20 years or more and know exactly whats going to happen next when a story is being told. Its just tooooo simple. The best story ever has been the NWO – no doubt about it and its too bad Vince screwed it up when he brought it back, it should have been done different. Anyways…..

I just wanted to say that I agree with you 100% with respect to your info about Bret Hart. He did not ever become a heel nor did he want to be, but the fans, American & Canadian made that happen. That being said the Hart Foundation was a heel in the early days. There feud with the British Bulldogs was quite entertaining back then.

And I do agree with you on HHH being the Champ, however dont you think it would be alot better if he was a “good guy” instead of the heel? Right now the WWE needs to make new faces and new story lines and the best way of doing that is having the best talker and one of the bigger names as a good guy while making other guys the heel. Randy Orton should go heel and HHH should go good, or Chris Benoit or HBK go bad and make Kane be a good guy with Lita in his corner – they need to change a few things and I believe it would be alot better.

Franks Take: Bret Hart’s situation in WWE is something we will be arguing about 50 years from now. Its that huge. I could see a possible shakeup in the rosters with some heels and faces switching positions. Especially with Evolutions situation right now and there downfall is now only a matter of time.

Feedback 3: Clifton Hackler, Mississippi

Dude ….at this moment YOU are ICW ! Most of the others can’t handle a non-writer giving an opinion……YOU CAN.

Now, HHH is a great talent(that is why he wears the strap) JBL is a great talent(that is why he has the strap). Bottom line is everybody can’t wear the strap. If you can handle a MIC and sell your opponents moves….you will wear the strap(benoit is an exeception). I will end this by saying……………………………..Kerry Von Erich in his day was one of the biggest talents out there……Vince brought him in to be the man…..oooopps ! Kerry can’t talk ! He didn’t wear the strap. Lex Lugar..ooooops ! He didn’t wear the strap. Yokozuna kept the strap because he had a mouthpiece to speak for him.And Oh YEAH! Donnie in Knoxville……..everybody knows The Fantastics were the greatest tag team ever ! Ha Ha Ha.

Franks Take: I agree bro. The Total Package is needed to wear the Strap. Lugar did wear the strap in the NWA and WCW but he never held the WWF title. Which is the most important today. You did make your point and your opinion is respected.

Well that’s all for this week. Thank you to all my fans who responded and a thanks even if you didn’t respond. See ya next time.

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