Squared Circle Reviews: WWE Vengeance 2005

July 26th marked a great date in WWE history. Its two criticized champions proved they could play with the big boys. Two wrestlers did what few can ever: make a rematch just as great as the original. It was definitely night of great matches, moments, spots, promos, and so much more. WWE Vengeance is one of the best PPVs this year, and rightfully so, and it all started from the get go.

WWE Intercontinental Championship

Carlito Caribbean Cool (c) Vs. Shelton Benjamin

The match started off with a bang that I really enjoyed. Shelton Benjamin basically made Carlito his you know what and did it so well that Carlito had to escape at least three times and had a look of surprise that was priceless. Carlito then started my favorite match ingredient: the working of a body part. He started working on the back of Shelton Benjamin starting with a well-placed knee to the back of Shelton Benjamin. He then followed it up with some nice Scoop Slams that had Shelton beginning for the end. Carlito soon slapped on a Rear Chin Lock with the knee placed right in the spine of Shelton, and good ol’ Shelty started selling better than I have seen him since his WGTT tenure. The next part was classic heel-face dynamics as Carlito argued with the ref for admonishing him, and Shelton took the advantage with a roll-up. After this, Carlito continued the work on the back and Shelton looked like he was fading, and like a good face, came back with the crowd erupting behind him. The match went on a little more and we entered some of the nice Shelton moves we have come to know and love like the well placed Samoan Drop which seems to come out of nowhere each time. The match continued until they came to what I thought was a very well done spot. After a near fall, they were both recuperating and on their knees on the mat and they started trading blows. I haven’t seen this kind of spot in a while, and I really love it. It accentuates the hatred each man has for the other as a smarter man would get up and take the height advantage. But no, these men hate each other and can’t wait the two seconds to get up or can’t waist the energy to do so when they could be laying into the other. For a poorly built up feud, it had a nice story to the match. The match really started to pick up after this. Shelton went to the top, but Carlito met him. They fought for a bit, and then Shelton grabbed Carlito’s head full of nappy hair and guillotined him on the top rope. As Carlito got up, he hit the springboard bulldog thus pleasing the Las Vegas crowd. After this, the match continued a little more and Shelton tried to start working on the head of Carlito. Not long after, Carlito took the turnbuckle cover off and waited in the corner like a possum for Shelty. Shelton then fired at him and tried to hit the Stinger Splash. Carlito, however, ducked out of the way and Shelton went head first into the exposed steel. Carlito took the advantage and got the roll-up and the 3 count to walk away champion in what was a good match and a great way to open Vengeance.

Winner: Carlito Caribbean Cool

Star Wrestler: Carlito Caribbean Cool

Shelton Benjamin is a great worker, in my eyes, so it’s a no duh that he would be great in this match, but I really, really, really enjoyed Carlito in this match. The little heel quirks he showed came off really well and made Shelton look incredible, which should be the heel’s job first and foremost. Great job, Carlito. Now go get a haircut.

We then saw a completely random and useless shot of Triple H and his monkey, Flair, but luckily, it only lasted a few moments and we went right into our next match!

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