Full Show Preview: IPW:UK Extreme Measures 2 Next Weekend



  • Tickets For Extreme Measures 2 – August 21st 2005 – Now On-Sale!

    » After proving a huge hit with the fans in attendance, and being the fastest selling DVD in IPW:UK history, the Extreme Measures tournament is BACK in 2005.

    Tickets, just £20 ringside, £12 general admission (£6 for children) or £30 for a family (2 adults, 2 children) and are on sale right now. To order, head over to www.ipwuk.com, or email [email protected] for more information. Box office number is 07780 677007.

  • Full Show Rundown!

    » Almost a year after the inception, IPW:UK brings to you it’s second annual Extreme Measures tournament this coming August 21st. With last year’s tournament headlined by international names such as Super Dragon, Colt Cabana, Jonny Storm & Robbie Brookside, there is much to follow for this year’s competition.

    The rules of the tournament are very simple. You have four (4) first round matches, each with 20 minute time limits fought under regular singles rules. The four winners from that round then go on to the second round – a No Rules four-way. With one single pinfall to advance into the final, each wrestler needs to have eyes not only in the back of their head, but in each side too!

    And then, finally, when you’ve been through those two gruelling matches, you get to take on Martin Stone – IPW:UK Champion – in a 30-minute Iron Fist match for the IPW:UK Title. Iron Fist means iron man rules (as many falls as possible during the allotted time period), but should a knock out occur at any point during the bout, the match is automatically stopped and a victor is crowned.

    » Returning superstars this year include;

    – Spud, who last year took on Jed Masters in round one, only to be defeated by the cane of Masters’ then manager, ‘Charming’ Don Charles. So much has happened since then, with Spud getting his comeuppance over Charles at the Weekend of Champions when he took out the grizzly big man with a dive to the outside on top of him!

    This year, Spud finds himself up against ‘The Human Hate Machine’ Dave Moralez in first round competition. Moralez, who re-debuted with IPW:UK back at Best of British 2 by costing Spud his match against Jack Storm, will be looking to advance through to face stable-mate Martin Stone for the title, while Spud will be looking to advance through and see if he can make amends for his singles loss to Stone at Return of the Dragon (once again, through interference on Stone’s behalf).

    – ‘The Pukka One’ Darren Burridge has been in and out of IPW:UK like a yo-yo. Popping up whenever the Chav Army need him for back-up, Burridge’s only other contracted match in IPW:UK up until now was in this very tournament last year, where he was defeated in the opening round by Tony ‘Superstar’ Sefton, as Kent overcame Essex. With Sefton now concentrating on the tag title picture, will the king chav advance?

    – In his way will be former IPW:UK Champion, Aviv Maayan. Maayan, crowned the first ever IPW:UK Champ on Night 1 of the Weekend of Champions back in July, is currently second in the title rankings behind only Super Dragon, a man with a 3/3 100% record in IPW:UK competition – and the winner of last year’s tournament! Will this omen be a good one for the young Welshman, looking to regain what he feels should be around his waist?

    – Dragon Phoenix surprised many in the audience and in the locker-room when he gained the surprise pinfall victory over good friend Spud on Night 1 of the Weekend of Champions. Preparing for weeks for a contest against Ashley Reed, Reed decided to take the opportunity to duck the Dragon and enter the tag team tournament. With Spud stepping up to the plate, it seemed that Phoenix had met his match – but that was not to be.

    – In Jack Storm, however, Dragon Phoenix may be facing his match. Former friends and tag-team partners, this rivalry needs no introduction. Lasting the duration of 2005 (from the first event, Best of British 1, in January, until now), both men have been baying for each other in singles competition. On August 21st, we’ll find out whether maybe both men should be careful what they wish for.

    – The second Chav representative in the tournament is Flaming Red. The leader of the Chav Army, this arrogant, offensive little ‘twat’ is against the only American on the EM05 card… JAKE! Still, little other than what we’ve been told on live shows is known about Jake. What we do know, however, is that he’s no pushover. Taking Red’s ‘bodyguard’ and stable-mate Battalion to his limit in a Hardcore environment at New Territory, and defeating fellow Chav Peter Nixon at the Weekend of Champions convention card, Jake’s 1 for 1 in singles competition. This is his chance to tilt the scales toward him again!

    » Of course, in addition to the six tournament matches, you’ll see another two great matches as Battalion takes on the debuting Matt Damien in singles competition, and of course…

    – The Tag Team Title match. AK47 overcame all the odds, and the teacher/student pairing of Ashe & Kris Linnell defeated Team Charming (Jack Storm/Dave Moralez), The High Class Catch Club (Adam Polak/Baron von Hagen) and then the Chav Army (Flaming Red/Battalion) over two days of intense action. On August 21st, they will be presented with their tag straps and get the chance to celebrate with the Orpington crowd – before having to face The Kartel.

    – The Kartel debuted at the Weekend of Champions, but not in the tag title tournament. They defeated the pairing of PJ Black and Ian Logan on the convention card, earning them a spot in the tag title rankings. With #1 contenders Flaming Red & Battalion already in action at Extreme Measures, management therefore felt it made sense to give The Kartel their shot right away!

    Coming off of the back of two singles defeats individually to Chasyn Rance at New Territory. Will they prove that singles isn’t for them, while tag action is, and be the WINNERS at Extreme Measures, or will AK47 once again come out on top?

  • Therefore the current card stands as:

    IPW:UK Title Match

    Martin Stone (c) vs. Tournament Winner

    IPW:UK Tag Title Match

    AK47 (Ashe & Kris Linnell) (c) vs. The Kartel (Sha Samuels & Terry Frazier)

    Tournament Round 2: No Rules Four Way

    The four first round winners face off in a one pinfall to victory No DQ match.

    Tournament Round 1

    – Spud vs. ‘The Human Hate Machine’ Dave Moralez

    – Dragon Phoenix vs. ‘Sadistic’ Jack Storm

    – ‘The Pukka One’ Darren Burridge vs. Aviv Maayan

    – Jake vs. Flaming Red

    Plus, Battalion vs. the debuting Matt Damien

    — IPW:UK presents “Extreme Measures 2”, Sunday August 21st 2005 at Orpington Halls, Orpington High Street, Orpington, Kent, England. Doors 6:00pm, show starts 6.30pm. Tickets £12 general admission (£6 children) and £20 ringside. Family ticket available for £30. For more information about IPW:UK, click here: http://www.ipwuk.com/ or e-mail Daniel Edler: [email protected].

