Stephanie McMahon Fires Writer, New SD Star, Flair, More


Rob Conway’s current gimmick was totally his idea. The writers told him they had no idea what to do with him and to go out there and come up with something himself. He dropped 15 pounds to get to his new ripped weight, on a slow four month diet.

When the Carolina Panthers pre-season game aired on August 14th, during the halftime ceremony retiring the No. 51 of Sam Mills, the former linebacker and assistant coach the past seven years, who passed away in April, in a big crowd shot they scanned and showed Flair in the stands crying.

Dan Truly was fired from the writing team from Stephanie McMahon. On a website called, the fired writer vents and his reason for his dismissal is this, “The equation of super high salary and super low wrestling knowledge wouldn’t compute so it’s so long Stamford.”

New Smackdown! wrestler Ken Anderson will be going under the name of Ken Kennedy. He went under his real name last week on Velocity in his debut, but he went under the name of Ken Kennedy this week on Velocity without any reason explained for the sudden change. Also, he is 35 years old and he worked out of Green Bay for a while.