Backstage Trouble Involving The WWE Divas


Over the past few years in WWE, the word “diva” has been synonymous with “replaceable.” While constantly hiring new female faces, WWE has shown no restraint in letting others go, regardless of their looks and in-ring ability. Thus, it should come as no surprise that the WWE women are constantly on-guard and feel threatened by the appearance of new female faces.

Torrie Wilson, who many believe only narrowly escaped the last batch of roster cuts, was said to be one of the most threatened by the recent presence of younger “Diva Contestants” on RAW. It seems that the jealousy expressed in her feud with Ashley Massaro stems from true backstage sentiment.

Said a source close to the situation, “Torrie’s gotten so skinny – to an unhealthy level – this year because she feels the pressure from the new divas being brought in. She knows her clock is ticking. All the women know that. The new girls make them feel inferior.”

And, Torrie’s hardly the only diva to have expressed concern. Miss Jackie, for instance, was said to have been openly worried in the weeks leading to her release from WWE. The fact that Dawn Marie – who served an advocate for the girls – is no longer with the company only makes morale among the divas worse.