Credit: PWInsider
— Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is scheduled to appear at the grand opening of the new Universal Studios Florida attraction called “Disaster”, which is the new version of the Earthquake ride, on January 17. The theme of the ride is that you are on the set of a fictional film starring former WWE champ.
— To answer the emails weâve gotten about this, the music that mini-Mankind came out to on RAW this week was the old Mankind music from the mid-nineties.
— Mae Young was recently on radio and said the following in about a promise Stephanie McMahon made her in regards to Youngâs 100th birthday: “I tell you what. I have on my 100th birthday, an appointment to wrestle Stephanie McMahon’s daughter, Aurora Rose and that’s gonna be my opponent on my 100th birthdayâ¦.Stephanie has already promised me that I can do that, so I’m gonna do that. I’ll be there to do that.” Stephanie McMahonâs daughter will be 17 on Mae Youngâs 100th birthday, which is in 2023.