Joanie “Chyna” Laurer has signed on to appear on NBC’s latest reality television show “Celebrity Circus” which debuts on 6/11.
Former WWE Women’s Champion Amy “Lita” Dumas was hospitalized today and her band’s concert in Imperial, PA was canceled. She has laryngitis as she lost her voice and is on medication now. According to the concert venue, The Luchagors’ guitar player called them and said Dumas was being taken to the hospital. He said due to her condition, there was no way she could do the show. They are hoping to reschedule a future date at the club. Dumas sent out the following bulletin on her MySpace page regarding her sickness: “Sorry guys! Until everyone knows the words and can help me sing- I just can’t do it tonight. I got so sick out here on the road and completely lost my voice. Not just kind of- but like nothing above a whisper. I am on some serious meds and bring my note pad with me everywhere so I don’t talk. It looks really dumb, but I don’t want to have to cancel anymore shows. We are on for West Virginia and the rest of the tour, I am so sorry for everyone that was planning on coming to see us tonight- xxoo, amy” The Luchagors are currently in the midst of a huge tour as they have a number of dates on the east coast scheduled throughout the month.
From Josie: Nick Nemeth’s (former Spirit Squad’s Nicky & FCW Superstar) has a website which has returned online after a short hiatus. The link to the website can be found at: http://www.NickNemeth.Com