What’s up wrestling fans? It’s time, once again, to take a look at our weekly Tuesday Night Fight known as ECW on Sci-Fi. This week we saw the return of WWE legend Tony Atlas, the talent initiative continued, and we saw some solid in-ring wrestling. So let’s breakdown the action from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
We began tonight with Miz and Morrison hitting the ring and claiming that they have beaten everything that’s come their way. They demanded some competition and Finlay’s music hit, prompting the Belfast brawler to give them the fight they were looking for. After the usual “hi jinx” from Hornswoggle, an impromptu singles match began with Finlay taking on The Miz. I like Finlay very much, and I like the idea of him wrestling either Miz or Morrison in singles matches, but I have to say I am not looking forward to a prolonged feud between the champs and Finlay and Swoggle. I’ve said it before, Horny belongs out of the ring, and even that is getting old for me. I’m not amused by his shtick anymore, and if I have to watch one more wrestler react to his water gun as if he’s spraying shotgun shells into their eyes, I’m gonna throw my TV at my girlfriend and jump out the window. It’s just too 5th grade for me. The match tonight, however, was solid, with enough time given for both guys to really work. The finish was typical old news, as Hornswoggle made the crowd happy by acting like a goofy leprechaun so Finlay could pick up the win. I’m just plain tired of this routine. It was good though to see the opening segment not drag on for 20 minutes so that more time could be given to the match. This is a lesson Raw could learn. Out of a possible 9 stars, I give this opening bout 6 stars.
We cut backstage to Teddy Long’s office where Armando comes in and demands another shot at earning a contract. Teddy Long tells him that he can have another shot at joining the roster if he can defeat ECW’s newest member, Chris Harr…er, Braden Walker. I understand why WWE changes established talent’s names, but that doesn’t mean I like it. They could capitalize on the fame of one half of one of the best tag teams in years, but instead they reduce him to a virtual unknown by changing his name and refusing to acknowledge his background.
Back from break and it’s Armando Estrada vs Braden Walker Harris. (That’s a fair compromise). Harris was sporting a singlet as he’s apparently trying to hide what looks to be a lot of weight gain since his departure from TNA. The match itself was pretty dull, with a few “Wildcats” echoing from the crowd. I’m not sure if Harris is just rusty right now or if WWE’s training has not allowed him to work to his full capacity, but he showcased nothing in this match that made him the great talent he was in TNA. Let’s hope it’s the former and not the latter. 4.5 Stars.
Next up Tony Atlas was shown backstage and had a great segment with Teddy Long and Mark Henry. I’ve always loved Tony Atlas, and it’s good to see him back on TV looking and acting as classy as ever. We’re told he is going to be the special guest announcer for tonight’s main event. Nice touch WWE.
Atlas’ promo was followed by a painful promo between the dyslexic duo of Lena Yada and Atlas Ricky Ortiz Dabone. You choose his name, I’m done guessing. Lena Yada might be the worst interviewer in the history of WWE, and Atlas didn’t do much to help the vignette play out.
Next up they ran a video package hyping the Hardy Boyz, but more specifically Matt, since he is a member of the ECW roster. I don’t get this. If he’s the brands top babyface, which he is according to the live crowd, why would you not have him on the show in some capacity? I understand that in a one hour broadcast you can’t have everyone showing up, but you’d figure with a talent like Hardy you’d always make time.
Just when I thought Evan Bourne was going to get lost in the shuffle of the talent initiative, he makes another great impact on tonight’s ECW broadcast. We’re back from commercial and Nunzio is already in the ring. Bourne’s music hits and we’re off. This was another great display of offense from Evan, and a good back and forth match in general. Nunzio didn’t get beaten up too badly here, but of course did the clean job as Bourne hit what I think is the best Shooting Star Press in the business. 6.5 Stars.
After a brief vignette with Mark Henry and Tony Atlas, it’s now time for our main event of the evening, Tommy Dreamer vs Mark Henry. I’m not exactly sure why Dreamer got this match tonight since Colin Delaney lost last week, but maybe it’s because Teddy Long is a fair player, playa. If the ending didn’t happen the way it did, I would say this match was a big disappointment, but Tony Atlas turning on Colin Delaney was both totally unexpected and really great to see. It took a fun chance, and hopefully will lead to Atlas having a recurring role on ECW. 5 Stars.
Overall, this was a fun edition of ECW. Highlights included Evan Bourne, the talent initiative introducing Chris Harris, Tony Atlas involving himself well in the broadcast, and a solid amount of wrestling throughout the hour. On the other hand, it would have been nice to see Matt Hardy. I also don’t like the way they introduced Harris. I’m glad he’s on TV, but I hope they allow him to rise to the heights he’s been too before. Out of a possible 9 stars, I give tonight’s edition of ECW 5.5 Stars.
Nick’s Notes:
-Let’s begin with the ever popular list of “Adamle Assploits.”
1. Did he actually announce Nunzio as a two time ECW Champion? Why aren’t they just scripting his introductions at this point? It’s clear he has no idea who any of these guys are so come on.
2. I think between both Tazz and Adamle, they called The Miz every name on the ECW roster with the exception of The Miz.
3. After a suplex from Harris, Adamle said, “I think Armando’s intestines may have fallen out.” Did they? Is that even possible? Does Adamle think wrestling’s target age is 5?
Honestly, I think the guy is regressing. Each broadcast get worse and worse in my opinion. He’s clueless and needs to be replaced.
-Are there any Divas left on ECW? I think they’ve done away with them on the show. Smart move in my opinion. ECW needs to focus on developing new male talent.
-Nunzio should be used much more. He’s a great wrestler and has a fun gimmick. If they’re going to push guys like Bourne and Kingston, why not push Nunzio?
-I hope the ending of the show was foreshadowing a feud between Mark Henry and Tommy Dreamer. As much as I don’t want to see Henry as a long term champion, it would be nice to see Dreamer get his due at the top of the roster for a while.
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