Thanks to various readers for sending in the following live reports from Raw last night in Knoxville, Tennessee.
— The arena was pretty full, as only the upper side opposite the entrance is tarped.
— Cryme Tyme def. Sal Rinauro and some local guy in a squash dark match.
— D’Lo Brown def. another local guy in a dark match.
— Plenty of Ric Flair Woooo’s throughout the night.
— Kiss Cam was done by Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and they ended up showing a bunch of guy/guy and girl/girl combos.
— Pops were pretty big for the faces. Mickie James, Batista, CM Punk, Kane,John Cena all got major pops. People seemed really disappointed that HBK wasn’t there.
— After Raw went off the air, Cena and Batista showed off a little more, then Bats went back. Cena stayed out and got on the mic, saying that there are certain places he goes where he knows people know where they live. Then he sang ‘Rocky Top’ along with the crowd to end the show.