In an update to the continuing rumors that TNA may be breaking up the team of LAX, it’s now being reported that both Homicide and Hernandez left the building right after taping their segment for a recent iMPACT broadcast. The two are under the impression that creative is planning on breaking them up, and the feeling internally is that Hernandez is expected to get a decent singles push. Homicide is not in favor of the team being broken up, and at this point it seems as if they won’t be for the time being.
To add to this, the contracts of both Homicide and Hernandez are expiring soon, with Hernandez’ deal expiring in December, and Homicide’s deal expiring next March along with several other contracts that we reported will be ending. Apparently Hernandez is asking that TNA double his salary when it comes time for him to re-sign, and we haven’t received any word on what Homicide plans to do when his deal expires.