JR Comments Further On Lance Cade’s Termination

Jim Ross has once again updated the blog section of Jrsbarbq.com and this time he addresses a few topics including more opinions of the Lance Cade situation. Below are some highlights:

“I was watching several clips of Friday nightâs Smackdown broadcast on MyNetworkTV earlier this week and it is amazing how much info is provided the viewers. Times have really changed over the years regarding the volume of information wrestling fans in general are subjected to and are encouraged to remember.”

“Lance Cade had his WWE contract terminated a few days ago which completely caught me off guard. As I wrote a few days ago, I was and still am a fan of Lanceâs and was shocked when I heard news of his dismissal. I feel confident that Lance will rebound from this misstep and find the success that many feel he deserves. Nonetheless, for some to compare Lanceâs incident where he had a seizure on an airplane that necessitated an emergency trip to a hospital with Jeff Hardy being asked to leave a plane because it was perceived that he was allegedly intoxicated seems like a stretch to me. Neither individual was on the right side of the equation of their respective issues but Lance, unfortunately, came too close for comfort by incurring a life threatening seizure and put the WWE in a position to make a really tough call. Could this matter have been handled better? I have no idea as I was not in the loop, thankfully, but I do feel that at some point in the future, and this is simply my opinion, after enough water has gone under the bridge that both parties could well do business again with each other.”