Second Batch of Feedback To Hogan’s New Reality Show

From Toby:

To be perfectly honest….I was not expecting much at all to this show. I definately was hoping and praying that they would show more training as they did in Tough Enough. I didnt figure however that they would be put into the ring on the very first show, it was obvious that some of the celebrities didnt have what it took to keep anyone safe when performing the moves. Remember in TE when in the first like 3 to 5 shows all they did was learn how to back bump and front bump, and in the preview of next weeks show, it looked as if they would be performing a Shane McMahon jump into a aired up pad…just think its a little too much showmanship and not enough insight into the artform that is professional wrestling. And by the way….why are all the judges staying in character…especially Bischoff, he just needs to relax and be straightforward, as does Hogan. I think it would give it a more realistic aspect.


From Alex

My name is Alex and I watched Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling last night, and quite honestly, I was impressed. Not only was I impressed that the celebrities actually put on two semi-descent matches. The sad thing is that I live in the Orlando area and I watched the first two weeks of Florida Championship Wrestling, and the celebrities actually told more of a story in their match than did the developmental wrestlers. Danny Bonaduce and Dennis Rodman were able too draw legitimate heel heat and face pop respectably. However I was not impressed by any of the other celebrities. This is not just another show where washed up celebs try to go back into the spotlight, but a happy medium where wrestling fans and reality fans can unite. This show gives wrestling fans an inside look at the wrestling world, and gives reality fans washed up celebrities. Overall, I would give this show a 7.5/10 which is higher than I would rate ECW lately(it’s nothing without Elijah Burke) (7/10) or FCW(6/10), but still not anywhere near the entertainment value of Raw, Smackdown, or TNA.


From Steven

I was hoping for some better “celebrities”, it would of made it more fun to watch. It was nice to see Bischoff though. It looks like we will be seeing Goldberg and RVD according to the preview of the series at the start of the episode. I hope they go further in to how a match is planned out, if the whole thing is or if some is made up on the fly.


I thought the show was going to be bland and unlike real wrestling. But I took a smack in the face and the show turned out to be very good. I am happy they revealed to the public that “wrestling isn’t fake, it’s choreographed.”


From R

I wasn’t a big fan of it. Due to mainly the fact that hogan just choose his boys (beefcake and knobbs) who are not anywhere nearly equipped to train wannabe wrestlers. It was really poorly edited with how long they were trained which was roughly 15 minutes. Just a poorly done show, I can’t lie I enjoyed seeing bischoff in a wrestling capacity but still knobbs and beefcake alone are nowhere near viable as train wrestlers or even interesting to watch.


From Elliott

I have to say, I really wanted to like this show. I am a fan of Eric Bischoff, and the Hulkerster, but I do not plan on watching CCW again, as I found the canned heat during matches to be WAY overdone, and extremely annoying. I also feel that the show has a weak cast, and other than Dustin Diamond, there really isn’t anyone I am intrigued about seeing develop as a worker. I may try to catch RVD’s appearance on the show when that comes around, but other than that, the show doesn’t interest me.


From Mike

I was shock for three reason about this show

1 these so call wash up celebs Show more passion and more wrestling move then any of the current Young wrestler in TNA and WWE

2 these celebs put on better matches then TNA did at their PPV last sunday

3 It was the first show that didn’t make drama like I love money and the big brother its all real


From Spawn

I caught the early edition of CCW, and I can’t say that I was expecting much when I tuned it. Imust say that I was midly surprised at how it came across tv. And it was in HD, which was a nice touch. I think that other than some over selling to the crowd, with the posing and such, that the actors did pretty good with the three moves that they did learned this week. SOme went above ad beyond, such as in teh case with Dennis Rodman, while others just didn’t seem to fit in from the start. I do, however have to disagree with the format of sending home someone immediately. I mean this is the initial week and you expect people to be green ot not have ring pressence yet. Seems like they have pretty high standards right from the start. All in all, you can expect that my TIVO will be set for CCW every week as it’s nice to see something slightly different.


I watched it and was very disappointed in a way. For the first episode i expected to see some good training and a good match from the celebrities. If you watched it then you can really tell they picked whatever celebrities would join in on this little Reality show. I wish they learned more then 3 moves and i would of liked to seen them pushed more then what they where. They show so far brings nothing to me and i will watch the next episode to see if it gets any better, if not then i will never tune in again.

You think they could of got some good celebrities, i mean a few of them i dont even no who they are, and besides that only 3 celebrities seem to no what wrestling is.

Danny really seems to understand what he is doing and i feel he is perfect for the job.
