Even More Reader Feedback To Hogan’s New Reality Show

Hey Nick, pretty much Hulk Hogans new show is sweet, I get to see my favorite legends Hulk Hogan Brutus The Barber Beefcake and Jimmy Hart. I give the show a 10 because I’ve never seen anything like this, other than UFC, but this is wrestling and it’s always good to see how hard our favorite stars fight to be number 1.


From Joy

First…wouldn’t it have been nice to’ve had actual celebrities wrestling? I must say, being a wrestling fan, i watched just to see what it would be. It was cool watching them show moves, how to fall, how to take a move and how to give one. But does anyone else think that audience was TOO excited? I mean…that’s all you hear is wrestling is fake….and to me….that audience was fake….ruined the whole last 20 minutes for me. Not sure if i’ll watch again…. Also, not a big fan of E.B., so who knows….


I live on Long Island, so the main news site I go to is Newsday. I really like their wrestling blog, which is a pretty cool feature, but I was bored and going through their site last night and I came upon this entry in their “pop culture” blog. Maybe Hogan’s name recognition will get this thing going strong, and lord knows that that could lead to this long rumored Bischoff/Hogan fed.


I lost it when the blonde (I think her name is Nikki) referred to Brutus Beefcake and Knobbs as legends, anyone who knows anything about wrestling knows that these guys are far from legends, that killed it for me right there!


From Lee:

I let this show sit on my DVR for a couple of days before I could finally bring myself around to watching it. I even felt a little guilty about setting it up to record – I was worried that I might turn into one of those reality TV show people… Nonetheless, I watched it, and here’s what I thought:

First and foremost; the show was over the top. They were far too dramatic and it didn’t make the show enjoyable to watch. Beefcake’s every word sounded like he was cutting a promo and Knobbs was wheezing so much that I could noly understand a word he said; but his performance seemed OTT too.

The idea of teaching the “celebrities” three moves and then putting them into a live match didn’t sound like a good idea to me. Ok, certain wrestlers have made it through a career knowing only three moves, but when the three moves were a clothesline, a forearm smash and a kick to the stomach, the matches were bound to be horrible. And they were.

That being said, the show could have been worse. I can’t necessarily say how it could have been worse at this time; but I made it through the episode without gouging my own eyes out, so it already beats other reality shows like Big Brother in my opinion.

I’m not a fan of the wrestling business being exposed. I know times have changed and wrestling companies are more honest about the fact that their product is simply entertainment, but I think it’s very difficult to attract new fans when people constantly hear about how wrestling is “choreographed.” However, I did like the fact that they included comments about how difficult it is to take bumps, and how you really do get hit.

I didn’t like the premise of this show, and I’d like to be able to say that I was pleasantly surprised with the result. But I wasn’t. If this show does encourage more people to start watching wrestling, that’s great. However, Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship is not for me so I do not intend to watch it again. Not without a large supply of beer and/or narcotics, anyway.