First I want to say a congratulations to my Wrestlezone colleagues, Mark Madden and Kevin Kelly. They got great compliments from Jim Ross via his blog recently, talking about how much he enjoys reading what they have to say. I have never met Kevin but have never heard a bad thing about his attitude and work ethic. I know he is past it but I enjoyed Kevin’s time in the WWE/F. I wish him the best in his position with ROH. I live in Pittsburgh where Mark Madden does his daily radio show. There is never a moment that he is not entertaining and true to what he thinks. You may not like what he has to say but you can’t find many out there that compare to his entertainment value and intelligence. I see him every now and again in the media dining room at hockey games and have enjoyed talking wrestling with him.
The rest of the interview will be feature on the Chair Shot Reality videos this week. To view past episodes of the show go to
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