The Rock Is NOT Going To Fight Cena At WrestleMania

Watch Justin LaBar only on the Chair Shot Reality on Wrestlezone

I know its not what anyone wants to hear right now. Everyone who is over the age of 20 woke up Tuesday morning with a sweet wrestling hangover. Hell, some may have gotten laid on Valentines Day. All in all it was a good Monday night.

I told you it will be The Undertaker versus Triple H at WrestleMania in a streak versus career match, then I told you over the weekend on CSR and in a column yesterday it was The Rock (not Bob Barker or Bieber) as host of WrestleMania and now I am going to tell you The Rock WON’T be in a match against John Cena in Atlanta.

We would all love to see it because we never have. Cena fighting The Rock which by default would mean John Morrison battles The Miz would be intriguing. If you are apart of the online wrestling community than odds are in favor you don’t like Cena, or you like The Rock much better than Cena. When The Rock said we have gone from he and Austin all the way to a game of peek-a-boo (while mocking Cena’s hand gestures) the living rooms across the world popped like popcorn.

But The Rock didn’t just verbally assault John Cena, he let his feelings be known about The Miz. Why? Because at WrestleMania we will see The Miz versus John Cena and The Rock will be the special referee.

“John Cena, The Rock will see you at WrestleMania. Just like The Rock will see The Miz at WrestleMania.”

A direct quote from The Rock in his promo. Go back and listen. A perfect set up to have The Rock have heat with both men in the WWE championship match which will make it all the more interesting for those buying to see. The Rock as referee for the match, what COULD happen?!

A number of things could take place. The Rock could pull a Mike Tyson of WrestleMania 14 when Tyson ended up helping Austin win the world title. We think The Rock can’t stand John Cena and in some way aids or at least respectively counts the pinfall that gives John Cena the win and it is followed up by a handshake.

We could also see fuel dumped on the fire and more conflict come out of John Cena and The Rock. This could potentially set up a showdown between the two at the second biggest show of the year, SummerSlam.

The summer classic does take place back in Los Angeles. Why give away all the return at WrestleMania? You are already going to get people buying because its WrestleMana. You can make them have to buy SummerSlam in August. Just saying….did you see how bad the buys were for PPV’s in 2010!

A lot can happen at Mania but I don’t expect The Rock to be in a match. I don’t expect to see him on serious long term return. The WWE can’t pay like Hollywood can. Don’t expect to see The Rock the main event of the May PPV or at your local house show in June. We could get “The Great One” on WWE television more often, similar to how Stone Cold has made often returns or appearances once or twice a year over the past few years.

In a short amount of time we will know for sure what is going to be on the WrestleMania card. Until then, its fun to go back and watch The Rock’s promo. Fun to embrace the amount of 1999 that he brought to the 2011 PG RAW. A RAW that went 20 minutes past its normal time.

Great thing WWE is on USA and they can run over like that, Spike (TNN of old) wouldn’t have let that happen. Remember how bad of terms Spike & WWE left on.

And to answer the other buzzing question that keeps popping up- No, I don’t think the WWE is abandoning the PG rating overall. You have to look at those 20 minutes in the ring of PG-14 and remember its The Rock. He can do what he wants.

Don’t forget this Friday in part 1 of the Chair Shot Reality we will be talking to Chris Jericho!

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