joe hendry
Photo Credit: TNA

Joe Hendry Believes He’s The Most Improved Wrestler Over The Last Year

Joe Hendry believes he’s had an incredible year in and out of the squared circle.

TNA World Champion Joe Hendry was a recent guest on Z100 with Josh Martinez. While discussing how he changed his approach to wrestling in recent years, Hendry said with the work he’s put in he believes he’s the most improved wrestler in the world over the last year.

“So, for me, I changed my approach probably about three or four years ago from, I want to win this title, I wanna work here, to just being like, you know what, I’m committed no matter what happens. Even if it’s just in front of 200 people, I’m going to give it my absolute best and I’m gonna get better with every single show,” Joe Hendry said. “I just wanted to get better all the time and that’s what I’ve held to this day and you know, I feel like I vastly — genuinely, I feel like I’m the most improved wrestler in the world over the last year.

Joe Hendry credits working with people like Nic Nemeth helped him get better in the ring

“That’s my opinion. If you look at where I was and what I was doing and where I am now, I really feel like I’m the most improved. If you strive to be the most improved, then titles and opportunities are going to come.

“When you’re working someone the caliber of Nic Nemeth, you can’t help but get better, right? For me, it’s something that happened very organically and I was very cool that it actually did happen. It’s one of those things you hope will happen, but you never know right, there’s a lot of things that are out of your control in the business but here we are. I thought, well 2025 can’t possibly get bigger than 2024, but we ticked that one off by February 1.” [H/T: Fightful]

Joe Hendry will be in action later tonight at TNA Sacrifice in a ten-man tag team cage match. WrestleZone will have live coverage of Sacrifice as it airs later this evening.

READ MORE: You Can’t Actually Sue Joe Hendry For False Advertising

What do you make of Joe Hendry’s comments? Can you think of a wrestler who has improved more in the ring this past year than Hendry? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.