chad gable wwe raw
Photo Credit: WWE

Who Is The Mysterious New Luchador That Debuted On WWE RAW?

Monday night’s episode of RAW saw the “debut” of a mysterious luchador. The man appeared during The New Day versus Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee in a Tornado Tag Team Match. The closing moments of the match saw the masked man run in and attack Dragon Lee before he went after Mysterio.

The attacker was wearing an “American Made” mask, and he yelled “Gracias”, much like Chad Gable would say, “Thank you.” However, Cathy Kelley caught up with Gable backstage and asked for some answers. Despite the visual similarities (including Gable wearing the same outfit as the attacker), Gable denied he was involved. He ripped on security as another masked man was escorted out of the building, seemingly getting him off the hook.

So, who was the mysterious luchador that attacked Dragon Lee and Rey Mysterio?

Who is the masked man on WWE RAW?

It’s Chad Gable.

This is clearly a storyline gimmick playing out where Gable will don the mask, but deny revealing his true identity. It’s one we’ve seen before in pro wrestling, including John Cena masquerading as Juan Cena, or Hulk Hogan working as Mr. America. (A version of it played out more recently between Elias, Ezekiel, Elrod and Kevin Owens.) It’s meant to be a humorous angle, one that works because the suspect continues to deny their true identity.

This time, Gable is following up on his quest to “master the dark arts of lucha libre.” This came after he was unsuccessful in defeating Mysterio and Lee in other matches prior to the Royal Rumble. Gable was featured looking for someone in a pre-taped vignette on the March 3 episode of WWE RAW. When Gable found the unidentified figure, they said they’d been waiting for him.

Gable asked for help beating the luchadors, and the man said he must “become lucha” to fight those he didn’t understand. Gable said he would do anything and paid for a box that the man handed to him. He was then told that he now wielded power beyond his understanding. Gable opened the box, but the camera did not show the contents. Gable then took to social media to share a picture of himself holding the box. He wrote, “See you soon” in Spanish.

It’s unclear how long the storyline will play out, but expect to see more suspects on RAW, and more denials from Chad Gable.

Read More: Chad Gable Goes To Finn Balor For Advice: He Speaks So Eloquently And Thoughtfully