We are one week away from one of TNA Wrestling biggest pay-per-views of the year, Sacrifice. With the match card for the major event already being a stacked card, a new stipulation has been added for one of the crucial matches on the Sacrifice card.
Last night on TNA iMPACT! The tag team champions, The Hardys took on The Colóns in a traditional tag team match. Mid-way through the match, The System ran down and attacked the Hardys. This then led to Leon Slater, Elijah, former World Champion Nic Nemeth, and current World Champion Joe Hendry ran down to help The Hardys. This resulted in a huge brawl. It is to be noted that fans were already set to see a ten-man tag team match. Matt Hardy will be joining forces with Nic Nemeth, Hendry, Elijah, and Slater to take on The System and The Colóns.
As The System and the Colóns retreated, the Director of Authority Santino Marella came out. He added a huge stipulation to their ten-man tag team match. Now, following the chaos that happened on the iMPACT Zone, the ten-man tag team match will now be taking place inside a steel cage.
“BREAKING: The 10-Man Tag Team match at #TNASacrifice will now be held inside a STEEL CAGE LIVE on TNA+ on March 14 in El Paso. Get tickets at http://TNAWrestling.com! @LEONSLATER_ @NicTNemeth @_Iam_Elijah_ @joehendry @MATTHARDYBRAND @DirtyDangoCurty @Myers_Wrestling @TheEddieEdwards,” TNA Wrestling tweeted.
Fans can get tickets for the pay-per-view at http://TNAWrestling.com.
Adding to this, Jeff Hardy will be challenging Moose for the TNA X Division Title. Masha Slammovich will also be defending her championship against NXT Superstar Cora Jade.
Are you excited for TNA Sacrifice?